
Southwick superintendent search moving forward

SOUTHWICK – The search for a new superintendent for the Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District is moving forward.
Current Superintendent Dr. John Barry, who is retiring at the end of the school year, told the regional school committee this week that the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC), which is conducting the search with the committee, is preparing materials.
“They are preparing information to create a brochure for the search,” said Barry.
The brochure will include an outline of the application process, job description and community profile.
Barry said the MASC already has a preliminary posting on its web site announcing the search will begin soon.
“The target date to make an appointment is April 5,” said Barry.
A local search committee consisting of eight people – including administrators, teachers, parents and community members – is being formed.
Barry said the MASC will work with that committee to review applicants. Onc the field of candidates is narrowed, the full school committee will be involved in interviews in open session.
The brochures will be mailed to every school district in the state to attract qualified candidates.`

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