
State says Mass. college president violated policy



BOSTON (AP) — The state Inspector General has found that Westfield State University president Evan Dobelle violated school policy by using school credit cards for personal expenses, and spent money earmarked for programs and scholarships “indiscriminately with little or no consideration” for its intended purpose.
Inspector General Glenn Cunha in a letter Thursday urged school trustees to quickly scrutinize Dobelle’s spending and his claims that it has brought a “return on investment” worth millions of dollars.
The inspector general said he has concerns about spending at the university and the school’s fundraising foundation.
Dobelle has repeatedly defended his spending.
A Westfield State spokeswoman said in an emailed statement to The Boston Globe (http://b.globe.com/14pBnjl ) that the school “stands by the accuracy of its determination there is substantial (return on investment) on the expenditures at issue.”

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