
STGRHS updates athletic handbook

SOUTHWICK – An updated student athletic handbook was presented to the Southwick -Tolland -Granville Regional School Committee this week by high school principal Pamela Hunter.
“The handbook went through some minor changes,” Hunter said.
One change reflected a misunderstanding about suspensions as it relates to athletics.
“We added the word external suspension,” Hunter said. “It was implied before.”
Hunter said there was also a language change with regard to additional penalties by coaches.
“It was not equitable,” Hunter said.
Hunter cited the example of a suspension and said a student participating in cross country could be suspended the same length of time as a student who plays basketball, but the basketball player may miss three games while the runner only misses one meet.
“The new policy will be at the coach’s discretion, which is more in line with what other schools do,” said Hunter.
The handbook states “An athlete that receives a Saturday School, Internal or External suspension must serve the discipline on the date assigned and will be deemed ineligible for that day’s events. Coaches will have the discretion to add additional penalties such as a loss of playing time, additional game suspensions, or removal from the team with approval from the athletic director. An athlete who receives an office detention or teacher detention could be subject to additional penalties from the coach.”
Language regarding concussions as mandated by the state was also included.
“If a student suffers a concussion as diagnosed by a medical professional, or is suspected to have suffered a concussion while participating in an extracurricular athletic activity, the student shall not return to the practice or competition during which the student suffered, or is suspected to have suffered, a concussion and shall not participate in any extracurricular athletic activity until the student provides written authorization for such participation, from a licensed physician, licensed neuropsychologist, certified athletic trainer or other appropriately trained or licensed health care professional as determined by the department of public health, to the school’s athletic director,” states the handbook.
Hunter stressed that if a concussion is suffered outside of school, the rules still apply.
The following procedures will be followed in the event an athlete receives a head injury and is suspected to have suffered a concussion:
• The athlete is removed from the practice or game.
• The athletic trainer, when available, will conduct an evaluation and assessment of the concussion. The athletic trainer will then notify the parents/guardians and recommend referral to a physician, if they feel a concussion has occurred. If the athletic trainer is not available (i.e. away games), the coach will notify parents/guardians and recommend athlete see their Primary Care Physician or another health care professional.
• The athletic trainer or coach will notify the director of athletics and the school nurse.
• School nurse will contact athlete’s teachers and guidance counselor.

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