
Sullivan seeks 9th council term



WESTFIELD – At-large City Councilor Brian Sullivan, who has served seven years as the City Council President, is seeking his consecutive 9th term in office.
Sullivan is running on a platform that the experience he has gained over the past 18 years will benefit city residents.
“I believe the role of an At-large Councilor is to be experienced in all of the citywide projects being addressed,” Sullivan said. “It is important for us to be able to manage, implement and ultimately finance projects throughout the city.”
Sullivan said that residents want fiscal accountability, especially in light of cuts in federal and state aid to communities.
“We are experiencing instability on the state and national levels and that is trickling down to effect how local government works,” Sullivan said. “Westfield has done remarkably well in attracting new business and also maintaining infrastructure. In tough times like this, staying on safe ground is important.”
Sullivan said that the City Council has to balance a fiscally conservative approach with the need to continue to enhance municipal needs and amenities.
“My most important issue right now is to maintain our status quo as we travel through these difficult financial times,” Sullivan said. ” I also intend to make sure the Senior Center finally gets a shovel in the ground and also to identify land throughout the city to acquire for parks and ball fields.”
“If Westfield intends to be a leader in the area of athletics, and I believe we need to add to our inventory of playable fields to accomplish that,” Sullivan said. “I plan to assist (Council on Aging Executive Director) Tina Gorman and the seniors get through the process of building the Noble Street senior center. They are all very focused and if the council can assist in making this finally happen, we should do whatever we can.”
“Also we, as a city, have the ability to acquire property to build new ball fields and at the same time preserve the open-space area. I want to be part of the team that gets that accomplished,” he said.
“The council has made some bold votes lately to put money into our infrastructure,” Sullivan said. “I feel that when some of these projects are completed, we will see relief of traffic congestion in areas of Westfield. I do believe that economic development and traffic management are related in many ways.”
“As we continue to improve and upgrade our infrastructure, we take advantage of the ability to market our city better. Westfield has had many road construction projects over the last few years as many citizens will agonizingly attest to,” Sullivan said.”But I am in hopes that those projects will lead us into improving not only our traffic congestion but in marketing our city where business will appreciate moving to and staying in Westfield.
“I have been voted president of the Council seven times and I am very proud of that,” he said.” I feel I bring that quality to the citizens who elect me also.”

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