
Suspicious barn fire under investigation

SOUTHWICK – A suspicious tobacco barn fire on Sheep Pasture Road is still under investigation.
Fire Chief Richard Anderson said the fire was called in as a brush fire at 8:43 p.m. last night while the department was performing its weekly training drill.
“The police got there and said it was a big brush fire, then as we got closer we realized it wasn’t a brush fire,” Anderson said.
There was concern for homes in front of the barn, which was set back about 200 feet from the road.
“There were embers that fell but it started snowing and took care of it,” Anderson said.
Firefighters quickly realized they could not save the structure and instead of wasting water to fight the blaze in the snow, they concentrated on keeping a 500-pound propane tank at one end of the barn cool.
“The propane tank was our main concern,” said Anderson. “There were two smaller tanks at the other end of the barn and one of them blew.”
Getting the apparatus on site was another battle, said Anderson.
“We had some issues with the trucks getting stuck and I made the decision not to go further with the apparatus so we wouldn’t damage it,” Anderson said.
Firefighters kept the fire in control as they allowed it to burn out on its own, aided by Mother Nature as snow fell. Anderson said barns often have pesticides stored in them and letting them burn out – rather than spread them around with the spray from hoses – is often the safer route to take.
Anderson deemed the fire suspicious because there was no electricity or gas to the structure.
“The state fire marshal was called in and is investigating,” Anderson said.
Approximately 25 firefighters responded to the fire. Granville, Granby and Suffield gave mutual aid. Anderson said the chiefs of Granby and Suffield helped him command the scene while the departments covered the Southwick station throughout the blaze.
Anderson said there is no damage estimate yet and the barn was part of the Arnold tobacco property. No one was injured in the blaze.

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