
The mini poodle misadventures of Tukker the dog

WESTFIELD – Tukker was adopted by Merilyn Thomas of Westfield in March of 2015 from The Westfield Animal Shelter.  He’d had a hard life, as he appeared to have been abused and abandoned.Tukker2
Because of his background and experience, Tukker was a very timid little guy. While Merilyn was away from home for the day, he managed to escape from his home, and hit the road.
Animal control was contacted, and immediately began a search and rescue operation, not quitting until after midnight on that first night. He was spotted many times, but he is a smart  and cunning little poodle.  Over 200 flyers were distributed throughout the area and The Westfield News posted his photo.
He was sighted as far as Hillside Rd. in Southwick.  Merilyn takes him on The Rail Trail on daily walks, and he walked over 5 miles on the trail one day. Ponders Hollow Rd, Birch Bluffs, Drive, Colony Drive and Colony Circle were some of the neighborhoods where he was spotted.
A trap was set in hopes of containing this wiry little guy…but being one of the smartest breeds on the planet, he pulled the blanket with the food bowl to the front of the trap, ate the food and drank the water. He also managed to pull the blanket out of the trap and created a little bed for himself.

Tukker3Finally, on day 6, a neighbor called to tell Merilyn he was crossing East Silver St. onto Cross St. With the help of her daughter, Jenn, they were able to corner him. His eyes lit up, a doggy smile crossed his face, and he ran right to Merilyn.  It was the best day ever for both Tukker and Merilyn!

Merilyn would like to thank ACO Lori Charette, ACO Margaret Terkelsen, and the people who called with sightings; Betsy who dropped everything to show them points of sightings, the gentleman from Shaker Village; Cheryl, Alan and Holly for driving around neighborhoods dispensing information and searching; her daughter Jenn for being her rock throughout the ordeal; the Westfield News, and particularly Flora M., for being kind and caring to a distraught “Fur Mom”. Shannon at Staples for her kindness and efficiency;  her wonderful neighbors Laurie, Ray and Whitey for their assistance and her neighbor Joan for going out with her at 11pm to help with the search. Most of all, she thanks God for the gift of this dog and His everlasting love.
Tukker was filthy with prickers, bugs, tar, pine pitch and burs…but he’s all cleaned up now and in pretty good condition, considering his adventures.  Let’s all hope that this is the last of the Mis-Adventures of Tukker the Mini Poodle!

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