
To the Editor

Hello Ward 3, and all of Westfield…another person reading my editorials has responded it just lacked the class that Councilor at Large Flaherty had.   I have some readers say it is long, but like the FACTS that I present. I do try to keep it reasonable in length. BUT, I did NOT read any complaints re: City Councilors who have used a half page or more, and even onto a second page. My issues provide a simple statement of fact….I hear so many complain who are far better resources as I am, but do nothing. I do not disparage those who have more but those who do less, save complain and blame. My view is that we are the government, and if you do not like what is being done get involved, but with facts. They do not have to agree in fact it is better that people do not. We are, and always have been a nation of real differences, and that has been go as long as our conflicts are civil and responsible. I have interacted with many of the versions of thinking, and interests…but there was a sense of mutualism that enabled us to disagree one day and cooperate the next.

Next, I think that the part about a need for self-worth has to do with my mention of depression. If informed, he would know that this is a common ailment these days. And, what is so wrong about mentioning it? Mine had more to do with betrayal, but employers due to an overtly ambition co-worker who would say and do anything to get my job including lying, and an agency that while championed Human Rights, did not like it when a supervisor reminded them about them when dealing with our clients.  But, I do gave a sense of self-worth, and I do and have done a lot of volunteer work whether in Civil Rights, neighborhood self-help groups, development of youth opportunities in the 60’s. In the 70’s while in the Army was an unofficial mediator that save a couple of lives in racially manipulations to get Black and White G.I’s to harm each other. In the later 70’s back to Civil Rights, anti-poverty, and anti-war with American Veterans Against the War, and do to info from pen pals in Viet Nam and interaction with a lot of combat Vets. But, when in college set up a Veterans Club, that got Vet services to HCC, where I was a liaison to Cong. Conte to represent harder vet issues, and worked state wide to improve vet benefits, successfully. I met and talked with a President, even was one of his motorcade drivers. And, all during that period, even at age 13, and throughout high school was involved in what I believed to be a volunteer civic responsibility that created the Summer Youth Employment Program, as Dave Bartley was Speaker of the House, and Maurice Donahue was Sen. President, and Donald Dwight was Lt. Gov. Yes, Dems and Reps working together.

Is that enough VOLUNTEERING? Oh, and now a volunteer for VIPS, at WTA. Oh and helping former constituents and others with community issues, oh free of charge and without obligation. Where I do not have money, personal effort seems to do. I even advocated for to rescue animals, as the turkey buzzard at ALLEN Park. Oh, I do pick up trash, not only at Allen Park, but at Whitney as well. Though what I have advocated to for Allen Park was rejected as it conflicted with Grandmothers Garden. That pond is a real shame. As for my dog pooping, how low can you go; in the Park; most times she insists on going in the woods. You must have talked with a woman about the one time that I forgot having a bag, BUT went back after getting back to my car to get one and then back to clean it up. She has hounded other suspected poop felons who also clean up after their dogs. It is so great and is a norm for today to accuse without facts, or all the information. By the way my dog is not the only dog in the park, and I understand the disdain for those who don’t. There are other people, along my walk, who have seen me return to the scene of the crime to clean it up.

A final comment, after over 50 years of civic involvement, and I fully acknowledge that the world of politics can be more than frustrating, to put it nicely; when I ran last time the same old promises made that I knew would not be kept, So I quit working the race in August, and still only lost by 100 votes or so, imagine if I stayed in and did my door to door??? Oh, and I as I remember, Mr. Holcomb ran and LOST, while others of his group won????   Sorry about being so long, but I needed to clarify with realities and facts about what had been said. Your former Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose. [email protected]

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