
To the Editor

Hi Westfield, and my friends in Ward 2.  It is rewarding to see you out in this weather, or have you beep, wave, and share a positive comment as you drive by.

First, the Fed wants to look at Partnerships with business and education so as to find people to fill jobs in the new business economy.  Hey, we’ve been doing that.  Superintendent Czaporowski has been doing this since he first became Principle at our Technical Academy.  Hands on education is the next new generation in learning.  Make it relevant and students will achieve.  And, this is not just limited to primary and secondary ed., colleges too are going to have to adapt.  We cannot longer spend 4-5, 7-9 years locked up in academia.  Changes in what are becoming the Next New Generation businesses are happening so fast we do n0ot have that kind of time to prepare those who will work them, or create them.  Our newest billionaires quit school, went home, found people who shared their vision and had the talents and create the cyber tech world.  The long plan is not so good, but the ability to adapt rapidly is.  So, Councilors, while we have someone like Czap, do FUND his projects.  How many of you folks, would have imagined that our school would get jets donated to help our Tech Academy?

Next: What is the City Council doing to take advantage of the opportunities being created by MGM, the Springfield: North South, East West rail hub, and the Bradley area developing a major sports facility?  I am not hearing much other than we can’t afford a future.  Holyoke, Northampton, Greenfield, and Palmer are preparing to link up and utilize the rail hub to help their local economies.  Imagine localized rail service for Leaf Peepers in fall, Snow people in winter, and vacationers in summer.  West Mass Cultural events, unique places to see, and historic sightseeing?  And, we are doing what?

Next 2:  Cannabis: how foolish can people be?  They say and want things that conflict.  Example: we DO NOT want people getting high in their cars and driving, but if a land lord does not want it smoked they cannot at home.  They cannot out in public, not even in parks, there won’t be any Clubs for a while.  So where can they smoke; in their cars!  They need places to test it.  This is a plant, anyone who eats food knows that one part of a plant can be different than another; one tomato does not represent all the tomatoes on the plant???   But, OK, how many public universities, and colleges do we have with labs, or public medical facilities?  Couldn’t they test until we get a private sector one.  Too many living the past mind set.

Folks, we cannot sit back and let the Yahoos run things…we need to return the active involvement of US.  We at least think of these things…Me, being Me again, your former Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose… [email protected]

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