
To the Editor

Ballot questions II.  I’d like to address recent events about 2 of them.  One is Question 2 regarding Charter Schools and our City Council.  I was at the meeting, and I am bewildered by what was said.  First of all if the Council were to endorse what the School Committee passed on Question 2, they would NOT BE TELLING VOTERS WHAT TO DO!   That is not their job or apart of their job description. They would just be sharing with the voters where they stand on this issue.  I do not understand why their public support or opposition would be telling the voters what to.  The other part is that the more ardent budget conservatives think it is OK for Westfield voters to foot the bill for charter schools?  One more time:  my position is that 1. We get only 62 % back.  2. This does not close existing Charter Schools.  3. There is no real accountability by Charter Schools regard who they accept, and often leaving those with greater needs in the public domain, and the extra costs on our tax payers.  A last thought on this why have our tax payers pay for them, and then get reimbursed?  Why not have the State just pay them directly?  Why make it complicated unless they do not figure that the State will keep to their agreement?  In business there are no guarantees especially from the tax payers to bail them out if the State if the State reneges.

Question 4 now has its ads out.  You know that I hate deceptive, special effects ads on issues for our citizens to vote on.  Specifically the commercial with the mom seeing marijuana stores all over selling cannabis candy etc., then her son walking out of the store.  I think that they are depending upon the fact that there are many who have idea our governance works to deceive you.  Why: 1. Anyone applying for a business license has to have it approved.  We have zoning ordinances as to what kinds of businesses can operate where.  2.  That one has to be 21 to purchase these items.  3.  As with liquor establishments, they have to be away from schools, playgrounds etc.  And, if found to violate the laws they lose their license.  The exaggeration and dramatization, while a norm, discredits their position as it does with candidates, and any other Ballot Question when deceptive practices occur. 

Your former Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose

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