
To the Editor

Hello Ward 3 and all of Westfield.  First of all I would like to thank our head of the DPW, David Billips and his fantastic team for the great job of re-surfacing the road through Whitney Park, and my car especially thanks you.  This is no easy task with the weathering it takes through winter cold and snow, and then the occasional flooding, and rain, talk about pot holes.  He and I have talked about what can be done to make it more car friendly, but due, especially, to those occasional floods, putting in a regular road won’t work.  But, we are still working on solutions. 

Next, comments on recent City Council issues: first fire pits.  I am almost sorry that while on the Council I brought up the idea in the context of having safe places for people to do their cook outs instead of in the woods, which would endanger the homes along the levee.  This concern got attached to previous ordinance changes regard fire pits.  Assumptions were made that lead to confusion.  First was the assumption that Council was to make them illegal.  NOT SO!  We wanted make them legal and in compliance with State law.  Confusion was about what was legal and what was not.  Actual facts showed that for cooking they are legal; chimeras are legal as they have a smoke stack.  Open burning requires a permit to burn lawn waste, branches, and brush.  The concern for us all is too close to a building or that sparks can start a fire.  As soon, as the smoke lifts from this issue, even though not on the Council, I will again pursue protecting our river area and the abutting homes from fire danger.  It is after all not just a governance issue but a citizen issue, and responsibility that when you see a problem, you work to correct it.   

Another issue is about changing the term for mayor from 2 to 4 years.  The only problem that I see is that every other election cycle there are only Council and Committee seats up for election.  And, considering the poor turnout as is this could be a problem.  It is too bad that while so many want to complain they do not want to live up to their responsibilities as citizens, and voting is about the simplest.  If you don’t like what those you hired to manage our civic affairs are doing, simple answer, change them.  If that takes too much time and effort I guess what you are complaining about must not be all that bad.  Since age 13/14 I have taken my civic responsibilities seriously and important enough to give up some of my time and effort to compete for positive, constructive governance.  If a kid that age can figure it out, shouldn’t adults?  Further these days to do all the things a Mayor has to do plus try to make positive changes, and commit months to campaign for re-election; with state, and even federal regulations changing, you need the time to construct a plan and then implement it. 

Lastly, I was surprised to hear that Mary O’Connell will not run again.  We have worked together and we have opposed one another but you cannot say she did not compete for her interests and beliefs.  So I wish her luck in the civilian world. 

Your former Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose    [email protected]

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