
To the Editor

Hello Ward 3, and all of Westfield. A lot of you have asked if I am going to run for Ward 3 City Council. Not an easy answer. Where do I want to put my time, energy, and few resources?

I am working on a project involving bringing Independent voters together for those common and shared interests too often ignored, but affect us the most. Independent voters are either a majority or the top plurality of voters here in Westfield, in Massachusetts and throughout the U.S. As well, there are many moderate Republicans and Democrats who feel their interests have been abandoned, ignored, and neglected by their Parties. But, we have two problems: we are very diverse in our issues, and we have no organization to bring us together. Sounds like our first Americans. But, just they did, we do have many shared interests and common grievances. But, we are also reluctant to trust organizations that say one thing to us and do another to us. As said I have formed the Independent Centrist Voters Network, Inc. as a: not a political party, and the only ideology comes from what our founders did and how they did it; where they focused on our shared principles, common interests, and mutual grievances.

OK, back to the here and now…It is not the “government,” it is: who we elect. Too many have elevated themselves to the extent that they know what is better for us, and to impose their policies on us without consultation with us. The truly sad thing is we let them. With the late ‘70’s we abandoned our sense of responsibility, and with it our authority. One Party was going to take care of us and the other in charge and will do it for us. Both, made OUR government seem to be a bad thing. Go play, go shopping indulge yourselves, after all it is your money; be popular not involved. After 200 years of US being responsible in war and in peace. We kept our communities stable along with our economies, even the world economy. But too made sold out, too may quit trying. So, now it is up to us, the many; not all of us, for too many have no idea of what our Principles of government even are, and too many are too invested in the self, when it has always been that our very diverse many put aside our differences and came together to make America a light unto the world that showed what every day people could do.

I am getting too old to keep putting off what gives me a sense of purpose. I want to actually help people; always have. I am open to it if the voters of Ward 3 want me to. But, I can still use my self-declared Community Advocate status to help the people of the ward, and city without being elected, as I have been doing. I would love to do it again; as I fully believe that a ward councilor is the best elected position, you get to know your neighbors, see them as I walk Ollie, and see where they live. But, due to a forced retirement from the Commonwealth by fellow employees wanting my job, and for standing up for the Human Rights of our clients. As well, that those in government, when seeking their help to deal with the State, did not even answer my pleas back. I really lack the resources. And, last time, with so many promising, and then reneging, especially knowing my opponent had a political organization working with him, and getting a lot of out of district fund raising. Hey, been around too long to not recognize politics as usual.

Your former Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose. Do not hesitate to e-mail me: [email protected] 

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