Hello Ward 3, and the rest of Westfield.
Some good things are happening in Ward 3. To start with my thanks goes out to Casey Berube and his team, they were all over the lower ward filling pot holes and saving us from the cost of fixing our front ends, and replacing tires. Today on my walk there are road crews out most of the way up School and Jefferson Streets getting some important work done. Really folks, we have a great DPW teams. Though no longer a Councilor, I still get from them; if they have a problem, Brian could you check on this as it is slowing or obstructing our work and usually I can help. They appreciate the praise, and why not, they get the work done that we need to be done. I used to hear from city workers that they were stunned to see in my column or editorials someone saying something nice. That is sad. They work hard for us, do their best, even when under staffed, and equipped. Anyway, next:
The work on the old railroad bridge from the bike way on the levee is coming along. Locals have told me they are glad, as the bridge crossing can be dangerous, and from the kids, they are happy to know their quick way to the North side is going to re-open. While I am NOT the kind of person who favors the over the top solutions, something that serves our community is important. We work hard, pay our taxes, and often get stuck with something that other people get to enjoy.
Lastly, those abutting Whitney Park, including those on Congress and other riverside streets, I have noticed several charcoal fire places in or very near the woods. 1 even had a pile of fire wood next to it. I have reported it to the police, and Parks and Recreation.
OK, as so many of you have said it is hard to get things done. From one source: this a wetland, so why worry? My response: yes, a wetland with a lot of dead trees, and shrubs. If a fire starts it could wreak some havoc on some home owners. At the time my recommendation was to install those charcoal cookers as at Stanley Park. That would make it safer, and make the park more family friendly. But, that got caught up in the controversy over fire pits used at home, and a lot of miss-information. So the idea over public safety got lost in that fight. But, I am still pushing for it, but as, no longer on the Council, I could use your help. Another comment was that this happens at night. Another simple recommendation then was to put up a gate to stop access. There is one problem, the driveway going to a couple of homes on Shepard St., but that could be easily remedied, by where you put it. Then: you cannot put it on the levee. The Corps of Engineers told me it is up to Flood Commission. But, as they say no, I see electric poles on the levee, I see a whole lot of stuff for the bike path. I see signs at the top and bottom of the entry and exit. Oh well, I will keep trying to get a low cost way to maybe save lives, and homes. Promise. But, here too I could use your help; the power of persuasion in an election year where it is a far greater tool. Try your At Large Candidates…ask them if your lives and property are important enough or worth a little in costs to secure the park? Anyway, always a pleasure talking with you folks. Your former Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose. [email protected]