
To the Editor: Mary O’Connell

November 3, 2015 is Election Day. It is incumbent upon good citizens to exercise their constitutional right to vote. Your opinion counts. Who do you want to represent your interests within Municipal Government for the next two years? Do you want a one-issue candidate – or do you want someone who will represent your interests and the best interests of our entire community when addressing the many issues that come before the Council each month?
I have represented Ward Four and the City of Westfield for the past ten years during which hundreds of important ward specific and city-wide issues have required my attention. For example, the North side Gas Fired Power Plant, the creation and dissolution of the Business Improvement District, development of the Cabot Road Industrial Property and expansion of Barnes Airport represent issues that impact everyone in the City. As regards Ward Issues, I have represented ward constituents in regards to their concerns regarding road repairs, traffic control, noise complaints, code violations, town-gown relationships, college-neighborhood relations, long range planning and, of course, the school committee’s decision to allow the Juniper Park School lease with the State to lapse. I am not a “one issue” candidate.
My intention is to win re-election and to carry on my mission to serve all of my constituents to the best of my ability. I want to work to ensure the best quality of life for Westfield residents. City government is a balancing act. We all want beautifully paved roads, well maintained sidewalks and top quality schools. We all want highly trained well paid teachers, professional firefighters and police. We all want our department equipped with the most up to date equipment. And we all want low taxes. We want it all and we want it now! But we have to be realistic. We need to balance our resources and prioritize our wants and needs. As a councilor I cannot promote the special interests of one set of citizens without considering the impact of a decision on our entire community. It is indeed a balancing act.
My route to the Westfield City Council began early in my life. I am the daughter of two Westfield School System teachers. I observed their commitment to our schools and their devotion to our city’s children. I know that our teachers have to have the tools to perform their jobs. While in my teens, I served on the Westfield High School City Council. I continued student representation throughout my College and post graduate experiences. I received my bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Colgate University and then went on to earn my Master’s Degree in Urban Planning from Boston University.
I made a decision many years ago to raise my family in Westfield. I co-founded two businesses that are still active and strong. Along with my brother, Bill Lawry, we founded Lawry Freight System. Lawry Freight has employed hundreds of people over the years and has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in real estate taxes to Westfield since it was founded in 1979. Together with my good friend, Sheryl Lewis, we founded Blue Line Shredding. This company was acquired by INFO-SHRED, several years ago and still serves several of our banks and other local businesses.
My job as a thoughtful and ethical elected official is to cast my votes, each and every one of them, in a way that honestly serves the best interests of my constituents. I have always done this and pledge to continue to do so. It pains me to see candidates supported publicly through campaign contributions by individuals and companies that regularly come before the Council and seek support from these very same Councilors. At the very least it creates an appearance of impropriety. In my opinion, It is not right. I do not allow my vote to be controlled or influenced by special interest groups.
We are fortunate to live in a great American city. We owe it to ourselves and our neighbors to contribute to its continued success. I am proud of my volunteerism. I have served on the Noble Hospital Board of Trustees, acted as Co-Chair of the Stanley Park Playground Committee, (raising almost $100,000 to install the playscape at the Park), served as Chair of the Westfield Redevelopment Authority and was a Charter member of the Business Improvement District. In addition I have acted as Co-Chair of the Noble Hospital Ball and Stanley Park Gala and volunteered for 14 years on the Grandmothers Garden Tour Committee. I have served on the Board of Directors of the Shurtleff Foundation and the Westfield Chamber of Commerce. I am a Charter member of the Westfield State University Neighborhood Advisory Board. My roots in our community are deep – as is my commitment to its common good.
Thank you for taking the time to read about my experience and qualifications. I offer myself as your candidate. I humbly ask for your vote on November 3rd so that I can continue to represent your interests as Ward Four City Councilor.
Mary O’Connell
Westfield City Council

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