
Southwick offers transportation options

Low cost senior transportation is offered in Southwick through the FRTA and a volunteer program. (Photo by Hope E. Tremblay)

Low cost senior transportation is offered in Southwick through the FRTA and a volunteer program. (Photo by Hope E. Tremblay)

SOUTHWICK – Southwick Council On Aging Director Cynthia Sullivan said the town is exploring its options for senior transportation.
Currently, the Franklin Regional Transportation Authority (FRTA) provides a van for scheduled senior use Monday – Friday until 3 p.m.
Sullivan said in addition to the FRTA, the COA has a volunteer transportation program when additional rides are needed.
“We have a lot of options,” Sullivan said. “And our staff works with seniors and has even spoken to their doctors to coordinate visits with transportation.”
Sullivan praised Denise Seibert in particular for her dedication in coordinating transportation for Southwick's seniors.
“Denise works very hard to met everyone's needs,” she said.
A recent complaint about the transportation system prompted Sullivan to reach out to surrounding communities and find out how their COA transportation systems work to see how Southwick could possibly improve.
Sullivan said Southwick's seniors currently receive door-to-door service for a small fee. Rides from their home to the COA costs just 50 cents each way, trips in town are $1 each way, surrounding towns cost $1.50 each way, and rides to towns such as Holyoke or Springfield cost $2 each way. The FRTA van provides rides to Springfield on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Sullivan said seniors most often use the Springfield ride for doctor visits. In order for the driver to be back on time, Sullivan said those appointments need to be over by 2 p.m. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, the van provides rides locally to the grocery store, hair appointments, doctor visits, the mall, and more. On those days, appointments must be done by 2:30 p.m.
“We are looking into a possible expansion of hours with the FRTA,” Sullivan said.
In addition, Sullivan is speaking with the Pioneer Valley Transportation Authority (PVTA) to see if there are options for senior transportation.
In the past, said Sullivan, the PVTA was not able to provide what the FRTA does.
There is no PVTA route through Southwick at all. Chief Administrative Officer Karl Stinehart said a route study was done several years ago and the PVTA found there was not enough need for a bus in Southwick at that time.
“We are looking to revisit that and have another study because of the town's growth,” Stinehart said, noting that was a separate issue from senior transportation needs.
Sullivan urged any senior with transportation needs to call the COA and speak to Seibert or herself.

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