
School transportation fund established

SOUTHWICK – The Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School Committee established an account this week for regional transportation funds.
Superintendent John Barry said the approval only creates the account, but does not fund it.
“This just starts it,” Barry said. “We’re not putting money in it, but it can be a legal place to park money for a year as long as it benefits transportation.”
Any leftover funds from regional transportation reimbursement can be put in this account.
“We’re not talking about deposits right now, just establishing the fund,” stressed Barry.
Business Manager Stephen Presnal said the district is reimbursed for a percentage of regional transportation expenses by the state but he never knows what that percentage will be.
“I think originaly they were going to refund 100 percent or 90 percent, but it’s more like 50 percent to 70 percent,” Presnal said.
Some years, the state reimburses more than what the department estimates at budget time. When this happens, Presnal said the extra funds go into an excess account.
“Technically, we need a vote to approve using these funds,” said Presnal.
The new regional transportation account created this week would allow those excess funds to be placed in that account and used without a vote at Town Meeting. Presnal added that spending the funds has not been a problem in the past.
“The communities have been good about it,” he said.
Presnal said he still does not know the reimbursement amount for the year.
“The legislature decides it and then you’re competing against other regional districts in the state,” said Presnal. “We submit our expenses through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s year-end report and then the legislature decides how to distribute it.”
Presnal said the schools typically receive reimbursement in two payments, one in December or January and one at the end of the fiscal year.

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