SOUTHWICK – In late January the Southwick Council on Aging’s Director Cindy Sullivan met with the Select Board to discuss a proposal she had for her upcoming budget.
The requested items were two electric handicap doors for the two main entrances the seniors use when they get into the building. It was approved by the Select Board in early March. The Finance Committee also voted in favor of the proposal during their meeting on Monday night.
Sullivan was happy to see the boards’ decision favoring the seniors.
“That was another example of Southwick supporting their seniors,” said Sullivan.
According to Southwick Chief Administrative Officer Karl Stinehart, the estimated expenses of $7,500 for the two new doors will come out of the Finance Committee’s reserve fund.
Back on Jan. 21, the Westfield News reported on the safety hazards that the current doors presented to the seniors. With the doors not having an electric button, the upgrade should resolve the issue.
“It’s an easier way for the seniors to get in and out of the building,” said Sullivan.
Sullivan also mentioned that the original expectation was that the new doors wouldn’t be installed until sometime in July. But, since there was a spot to take the funds out of, and the item was approved, the senior center could see the new doors as early as April.
The Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds for the town, Bob Johnson, will now be working with one of the town’s vendors to get the doors installed.