
Westfield State students succeed in replacing the globe

WESTFIELD – After a year of multiple fundraisers and technical difficulties, the students at Westfield State University achieved their goal on Friday, May 6 when a new giant globe was installed on the campus green.

Westfield State freshman Marcus DiBacco said he was happy to see the globe installed before the end of the semester. "I love it! I'm so happy," said DiBacco. (Photo by Amy Porter)

Westfield State freshman Marcus DiBacco said he was happy to see the globe installed before the end of the semester. “I love it! I’m so happy,” said DiBacco. (Photo by Amy Porter)

Vice President of Student Affairs Carlton Pickron said what started as a “Save the Globe” campaign by the Student Government Association in the spring of 2015 soon became a campaign to replace the old globe which had been too badly damaged in celebratory events to save.
“Too much enthusiasm,” Pickron said. The final blow was dealt to the old globe after the New England Patriots won the Super Bowl on February 1, 2015 and students climbed inside and on top of the structure, ruining the base and wiring.The new WSU globe installed 5-6-16
The old globe was old, having originally come from the administrative offices of Stanley Home Products, built in 1968, which is now the Horace Mann Center on campus. The sculpture, originally intended as an indoor sculpture, was donated to the University following the sale of the building in 2000. Pickron said the old globe landed in at least three different locations on campus before finding a home on the campus green in 2012.
The students raised over $10,000 for a new globe. Pickron said they did everything from charging $1 for Pancakes with the President, at which the president and administrators serve the students, to a carnival on campus with a dunk booth. Pickron himself was dunked three or four times that day, he said.
Each class from 2015 on gave a gift, along with various class councils, faculty and staff with students going from building to building collecting donations. Alumni also donated to the cause. Student trustee Justin Connelly was a leader of the student campaign from the beginning, coming up with the campaign #SavetheGlobe, and also finding its replacement.
Also involved in the fundraising campaign with Connolly this year was freshman Marcus DiBacco.
“I love it! I’m so happy. It’s what I started the year off with. I’m glad I got to see it before the end of the year,” said DiBacco, who was leaving for home Wednesday after finishing his finals.
The new globe, from Giant Globes, Inc. in Chicago is a museum-quality all-aluminum 7’ sculptural globe that stands approximately 9’ with its base. The globe itself cost $19,950, more than originally anticipated because they went with a larger size, Pickron said. With shipping, installation and a protective coating that was applied to the sculpture, the total cost was $26,387.
Students happily assembled in front of the new globe for a photo.
“They did it all,” said Pickron.
Fittingly the installation of the globe on Friday May 6 also coincided with the University’s fundraising gala, “Pathways to Excellence,” which showcased student achievements.
“As our only public display of art on campus, the globe represents Westfield State University’s commitment to inclusion and our mission to encourage our students, faculty, and staff to embrace a global perspective,” said Westfield State University President Dr. Ramon S. Torrecilha.

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