
Wild game dinner funds free programs for vets

Sergeant First Class Todd Crevier, U.S. Army retired, founder and president of New England Adventures, is seen with retired U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Kevin Padberg during a 2016 black bear hunt in Maine. New England Adventures will host a Wild Game Dinner to raise funds for trips for veterans and their families.

WESTFIELD – Tickets are now on sale for the third annual wild game dinner and charity auction, hosted by New England Adventures, which raises funds to provide free programs for veterans and their family members.
“For 2017 we will have run 13 events, worked with over 150 veterans, worked with more than 200 family members, and have plans to do more in 2018,” said Todd Crevier, founder of the nonprofit organization based in Southwick.
The game dinner is planned Feb. 17 from 5 to 10 p.m. at the East Mountain Country Club. Tickets are $30 per person and are available at A-10 Arms and Ammo in Southwick and Guns and Gear in Agawam, or online at www.gofundme.com/NEAdventures.
For menu and auction details or more information on all events, call (413) 328-3761, send an email to [email protected], or visit www.newenglandadventures.org.
“Our programs and events next year include ice fishing, trout and bass flotillas, a black bear hunt and a family day,” said Crevier.
Additional programs scheduled for next year include a trip to Mount Greylock, a veterans and family retreat, a pheasant hunt and a whitetail weekend.
“Our mission is to provide all-expense-paid trips for veterans and their families to the wild places of New England,” said Crevier.

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