A new feature of The Westfield News: the Westfield State University Crime Log will appear on a weekly basis.
Crime Log
September 1 through September 9, 2015
Tuesday, September 1
1:49 a.m.: drug law violation, Dickinson Hall, referred to Student Conduct;
3:44 p.m.: larceny, Lansdowne Place (off campus), closed.
Wednesday, September 2
5:10 p.m.: trespassing, University Hall, summons mailed.
Thursday, September 3
12:14 a.m.: drug law violation, New Hall, referred to Student Conduct;
8:58 a.m.: stop sign violation, no registration and suspended license, Ely Road, arrest.
Friday, September 4
12:05 a.m.: liquor law violation, Lansdowne Place (off campus), referred to Student Conduct;
1:45 p.m.: operation of motor vehicle with revoked license, Ely Road, arrest;
11:37 p.m.: liquor law violation, Davis Hall, referred to student conduct;
11:48 p.m.: liquor law violation, Davis Hall, referred to Student Conduct.
Saturday, September 5
12:20 a.m.: drug law violation, Lammers lot, referred to Student Conduct;
12:42 a.m.: liquor law violation, Courtney Hall, referred to Student Conduct;
12:48 a.m.: drug law violation, Juniper Park lot, referred to Student Conduct;
1:25 a.m.: liquor law violation, commuter lot, trespass notice;
1:52 a.m.: liquor law violation, Davis Road, referred to Student Conduct;
1:54 a.m.: unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, Davis Road, arrest;
1:56 a.m.: disorderly conduct, maintenance lot, trespass notice;
2:22 a.m.: liquor law violation, University Hall, referred to Student Conduct;
2:53 a.m.: liquor law violation, Courtney hall, referred to Student Conduct;
10:33 p.m.: liquor law violation, Dickinson Hall, referred to Student Conduct;
11:41 p.m.: malicious damage, Courtney Hall, investigated;
Sunday, September 6
12:09 a.m.:liquor law violation, Davis Hall, referred to Student Conduct;
12:25 a.m.: liquor law violation, commuter lot, referred to Student Conduct;
1:05 a.m.: liquor law violation, Scanlon Hall, referred to Student Conduct;
2:05 a.m.: drug law violation, commuter lot, referred to Student Conduct.
No offenses listed for September 7 and 8
Wednesday, September 9
10:20 a.m.: indecent assault and battery, academic building, investigated/referred to Title IX.
All alcohol/drug violations are brought before the student conduct system for disposition; sanctions include:
First Offense: 10 hours of university-related community service and completion of university substance education class, costing $100;
Second Offense: suspension from university housing for one academic semester;
Third Offense: suspension from the university for one academic semester;
Different sanctions apply for major offenses, including the possibility of criminal sanctions, according to the university website.
Title IX refers to “Title IX of the Higher Education Amendment of 1972 which prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex in education programs and activities, as well as retaliation for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by Title IX,” according to the WSU website. Prohibited conduct under the policy includes sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, sexual assault, rape, sexual exploitation, stalking, domestic/dating violence or coercion, according to westfield.ma.edu.