WESTFIELD – The Gateway Regional School district held its 25th annual Senior Citizen Brunch and Concert on Thursday. Approximately 75 seniors from the six Gateway hilltowns attended the brunch which was originally scheduled for Wednesday, but pushed ahead due to inclement weather.

Hilltown seniors enjoying brunch and a concert at Gateway Regional on Thursday. (Photo by Amy Porter)
National Honor Society students worked double-duty greeting the seniors at the door, as well as serving them quiche, sausage, fruit and a cinnamon roll, under the supervision of Tasha Hartley, Gateway high school cook manager and food services director Wendy McCaul.
“The food was delicious,” commented Marie Zomek of Huntington, who attended the brunch.

Senior Citizen brunch organizers Wendy Long, junior intern Chloe Otterbeck, Tasha Hartley, high school cook manager, and food services director Wendy McCaul. (Photo by Amy Porter)
Gateway junior Chloe Otterbeck of Chester, one of four interns working with communications specialist Wendy Long, served as coordinator for the event. Otterbeck said they sent flyers to the Councils on Aging in each hilltown inviting them to the brunch.
Otterbeck said she wanted to intern with Long because she liked the work she was doing; writing grants, planning events and posting on social media. “It’s a great opportunity,” Otterbeck said.
The brunch was followed by a preview of upcoming holiday concerts in the Performing Arts center, with music by the Littleville grade 4 choir, the high school jazz band, grade 7 & 8 band, and the high school concert band. A combined grade 7 & 8 choir, concert choir and show choir held a sing-along of “Jingle Bell Rock” with the seniors at the end of their portion of the program.

Gateway Regional superintendent Dr. David B. Hopson and communications specialist Wendy Long, along with other senior administrators, purchased $25 gift certificates to area stores as door prizes for the Senior Citizen brunch. (Photo by Amy Porter)
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the event, 25 door prizes in the form of $25 gift certificates to area stores, were given out during the concert. The door prizes were purchased by the Gateway administrators and Mass 1 to 1 – the non-profit organization that runs the technology leasing program at Gateway.
“This is one of my favorite projects of each school year. It gives Gateway a chance to give something to community members who have supported the school district for so many years. Some of our guests had grandchildren performing, and a number were retired Gateway teachers and staff members. It is so wonderful to see people year after year,” said Long.