
Town of Southwick seeking help on boards and committees

SOUTHWICK – The Town of Southwick has nine openings on different boards, committees, and commissions. A press release was issued by the Administrative Assistant to the Select Board office, Cindy Pendleton, on June 28 to announce the openings.

Town officials are looking for people in the community of Southwick who are interested and invested in the town, to ultimately attempt to join a specific board, committee, or commission.

Russ Fox, Chairman of the Select Board, is encouraging members of the town to become a part of the Town of Southwick.

The Lake Management Committee is one of nine boards and committees that has an opening. (Photo by Greg Fitzpatrick)

The Lake Management Committee is one of nine boards and committees that has an opening. (Photo by Greg Fitzpatrick)

“We’re reaching out trying to get more people involved,” said Fox. “It gives people the opportunity to get involved in their community.”

The nine boards are as follows:

  • Board of Appeals
  • Agricultural Committee
  • Community Preservation Committee
  • Conservation Commission
  • Council on Aging
  • Economic Development
  • Fence Viewer
  • Historical Commission
  • Lake Management

Fox insists that if anyone is interested in one of the specific openings that they submit a letter in writing or email. That person will then be able to get in touch with the Chairman of that particular committee.

Not every individual who is interested in joining a board or committee may be appointed, but it will certainly be a positive step forward to see several members of the community reaching out.

“At least we know there’s an interest there,” said Fox. “We can keep the name on record if another opening comes up during the year.”

The Conservation Commission is one board that is already seeking a volunteer to join. A press release was put out by Pendleton on July 8 to indicate the matter.

The opening will be filling in a spot of reappointment in 2017. The tasks involved with being a member of the Conservation Commission would include attending the meetings, going to site visits, and helping administer the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act. The Town of Southwick is highly encouraging interested individuals to submit their resume as well as a letter of interest to the Select Board office by 12 p.m. on July 22.

Southwick Select Board members Russ Fox as well as Doug Moglin, Karl Stinehart, and Joe Deedy will be actively helping with appointing new members. (Photo by Greg Fitzpatrick)

Southwick Select Board members Russ Fox as well as Doug Moglin, Karl Stinehart, and Joe Deedy will be actively helping with appointing new members. (Photo by Greg Fitzpatrick)

Fox also discussed a newly-formed committee that is being developed. He discussed that once the three-year project is done on the schools in the Town of Southwick, an annual review of the buildings would then be put into place.

“We would be forming a committee that will work with the regional school committee to review the maintenance of all three buildings on an annual basis,” said Fox.

As the committee isn’t finalized, Fox is already set on the type of people in the community that he would like to have on the board. Fox would like a member of the select board, a building inspector, as well as a parent who has a child or children in the Southwick school system.

Whether it is the Conservation Commission, a newly-formed committee or any other board listed previously, getting involved in the town government will become a benefit.

“It helps you get involved in government, understand the process, understand the budget process, understand all the legal aspects of government,” said Fox.

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