Tapwrit didn’t tap-out in this weekend’s Belmont. And neither did the four lucky entrants who picked him: Mark Kielbasa, Jeffrey Owczarski, Jon Packard, and Kevin Michaud.
Kielbasa, Westfield, was the winner by random drawing, and also a repeat winner from two weeks ago.)
Six people picked Irish War Cry, and no one chose the one-eyed Patch, who came in third. A few people chose Epicharis, who was scratched early that morning with a sore foot. (Classic Empire was also chosen, but scratched on Wednesday.) Two individuals picked Always Dreaming and Gunnevera (neither of whom were entered), and one soul chose “Irish War Glorey”, which is a cool name for a horse, but not the correct one. (Sad trombone.)
And with the closing of the Belmont Stakes, Jack Pelli stands atop our “Ultimate Sports Challenge” with seven points, followed by Gerry Robillard, Jr., Kielbasa, and Michaud, each with six. Four others are tied with five apiece.
Next up: the U.S. Open (June 15-18).