WESTFIELD-For families in need this holiday season, the volunteers and donors who work with the Westfield office of the Salvation Army are ready to answer the call.
“We are really in need of the community’s help,” said Laurie Matthews, who serves as the local Salvation Army coordinator, adding once again the Angel Program and the Adopt-A-Family Program are in need of sponsors.
“Families placed in the Adopt-A-Family Program may be going through a more serious crisis, have health issues, or experienced the loss of a job,” said Matthews.
Matthews noted that the need to help others during the holiday season – from Thanksgiving to Christmas – remains a constant in the city.
“We serviced 298 families that included 935 children last Thanksgiving,” said Matthews, adding that 60 of the families received a turkey and all of the fixings. The remainder of the families received a turkey.
“At Christmas last year we had 395 families with 1,386 children receiving over 6,000 toys and over 4,000 articles of clothing,” she added.
Matthews said Westfield State University provides the “biggest donation” of turkeys, and “many community members and several companies” participate in the Adopt-A-Family Program. In addition, these donors provide a full meal for the family they have adopted for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
For families in need of assistance during Thanksgiving and Christmas, sign ups will take place Nov. 11-15 from 9 a.m. – noon and Nov. 18-22 from 9 a.m. – noon in the social center behind St. Joseph’s National Catholic Church, 73 Main St.
For families wishing to participate in the Christmas program, an intake form must be completed which includes proof of income with a pay stub, proof of an address that could include a utility bill, and proof of children residing in the home with a birth certificate or Social Security card.
Matthews and her volunteer crew will be back at the social center on Nov. 25-26 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. to distribute Thanksgiving foodstuffs.
“Anyone can pick up an angel to shop for during our listed hours, drop off toys or gift cards for families in need,” said Matthews, adding that donations are tax-deductible.
“Gift cards for our teenagers are also encouraged since they are hardest to fill the need,” said Matthews.
For persons interested in more information about the angel and adopt-a-family programs, or for a list of gift suggestions or to volunteer, call the Salvation Army at (413) 977-8759.