SOUTHWICK – The Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School Committee approved the $21.5 million budget last night.
The vote came after numerous discussions in public session, including a public hearing and meetings with the school and town finance committees.
Superintendent John Barry told the committee little changes were made since the last revision.
“There have been no reductions since we last spoke about it,” he said.
Barry said the fiscal year 2014 budget was based on the assumption of level service. That includes maintaining the current class sizes, current educational programs, commitment to special education students, participation in the Lower Pioneer Valley Educational Collaborative, and current professional and support staff. It does not include any new positions or new programs.
Barry said the proposed budget includes assumptions of cuts in federal grants, including a special education grant, and Title I funds.
“We don’t anticipate layoffs. However, should federal grants be cut significantly, we could see layoffs,” said Barry. “We would give out pink slips.”
Business Manager Steve Presnal said revenue assumptions rely on Gov. Deval Patrick’s “House 1” budget. He said the discretionary assessments for STGRSD member towns are virtually eliminated, and there is an increase in Chapter 70 funding.
Business Manager Steve Presnal said few adjustments were made. He said one change involved moving a guidance department item from the teacher line to its own.
“There were no changes to the bottom line,” he assured the group.
Presnal also gave an update on the pre-qualifying bids for the first part of the upcoming school project.
“We met last Thursday and we’re meeting again today to hash over the submittals and we’ll notify the selected bidders,” Presnal said.
Work is set to begin this summer on Woodland Elementary School and continue through the school year.
In order to accommodate renovations while classes are in session, the preschool will be temporarily located at Granville Village School next year and other classrooms shifted to create wings for renovation.
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