
Residents complain about neighbors

Neighbors near this house located at 13 Point Grove Road in Southwick have expressed concern over how many residents might reside in the home as well as chickens and at least one goat allegedly roaming the property. The residents attended the Southwick Selectmen's meeting Monday night. (Photo by Frederick Gore)

Neighbors near this house located at 13 Point Grove Road in Southwick have expressed concern over how many residents might live in the home, as well as chickens and at least one goat allegedly roaming the property. The neighbors attended the Southwick Selectmen’s meeting Monday night. (Photo by Frederick Gore)

SOUTHWICK – Neighbors of a Point Grove Road home are concerned that a new resident could be violating the law.
Dean and Joanne Horacek of Country Club Drive were among a group of citizens that expressed their concerns to the Board of Selectmen this week, citing a tall fence, goats and rabbits, unregistered vehicles, and too many dwellers in the home as their chief complaints.
“I don’t know if that fence is legal or not,” said Dean Horacek, referring to a six-foot PVC fence erected across the front of the property. “Who would put a six-foot fence in front of their home? Apparently they have goats and other animals and I question how many people are living in the house.”
Dean’s wife Joanne said the homeowners had “30 bicycles in the backyard” and a number of unregistered vehicles.
Building Inspector Denis Gaido said he is aware of the concerns and at this time, everything at the home is fine.
“They’re doing everything they’re supposed to be doing,” said Gaido. “As far as zoning and everything goes, they’re okay.”
One neighbor who lives on Point Grove Road said she believes there may be too many people living in the home. She said a child living there told her there are 11 family members living in the home that neighbors said has three bedrooms. Some neighbors worried about the septic system there and whether that many residents would tax the system.
“It’s not going into a city sewer and they are responsible to maintain it if there is a problem,” Gaido said.

Joanne Horacek, right, of Country Club Drive in Southwick, was one of several residents whom attended the Southwick Selectmen's meeting Monday night to express concerns of a house located at 13 Point Grove Road. Residents said unregistered vehicles, a large fence, chickens, at least one goat, and a garage containing hay, has them concerned. (Photo by Frederick Gore)

Joanne Horacek, right, of Country Club Drive in Southwick, was one of several residents whom attended the Southwick Selectmen’s meeting Monday night to express concerns of a house located at 13 Point Grove Road. Residents said unregistered vehicles, a large fence, chickens, at least one goat, and a garage containing hay, has them concerned. (Photo by Frederick Gore)

Animal Control Officer Tracy Root said she received several complaints about goats and other animals at the home in the past week. Root said the homeowners appear to be within their rights.
“They are in the Residential-20 zone, which allows for livestock on properties over 40,000 square-feet,” said Root. “That property is 40,075 square-feet.”
Root said the law allows up to 25 poultry on a property that size.
“They can also keep goats and saddle horses,” Root said.
Neighbors Monday night complained that there is a smell from the goat manure.
“You can even smell it on the Rail Trail,” said Country Club Drive resident Katherine Shea. “They have only been there for three months and it’s trashed. We have a situation and it’s unacceptable.”
The Board of Selectmen told the residents they would look into their concerns but did not want to comment without more information.

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