
Police Log, Sept. 10, 2014

Emergency response and crime report
Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014
12:49 a.m.: suspicious activity, Elm Street, a caller reports two people appear to be involved in a narcotics sale, the responding officer reports he found a person and a routine check revealed him to be the subject of a warrant issued in 2013 by Westfield District Court, Jyum Reed, 31, of 9 Morris Ave., was arrested on the warrant;
10:34 a.m.: fraud, Powdermill Village, 126 Union St., a resident came to the station to report a cable television account was fraudulently opened using her four-year-old daughter’s name and social security number, the responding officer reports the incident was found to have occurred in Southwick and the woman was advised to report the crime there;
11:26 a.m.: larceny, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church, 127 Holyoke Road, the pastor reports that he returned from a vacation to find much less money that he expected in the candle boxes at the church, the responding officer reports the pastor said that a parishioner may have emptied the boxes in his absence and he will investigate that possibility;
1:49 p.m.: larceny, St. Mary’s Church, a caller reports her purse was stolen, see story in the Friday edition of The Westfield News;
2:00 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, a traffic enforcement officer reports a traffic stop, the vehicle’s registration was found to be revoked for lack of insurance and the operator’s license was found to be revoked, the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
2:37 p.m.: larceny, a caller reports that one of her daughter’s stole money from another daughter, the responding officer reports a 16-year-old girl said that she keeps her money in a locked box in her bedroom, the girl’s mother said that she had seen her 12-year-old daughter in her sister’s bedroom and $150 was subsequently found to be missing from the lockbox, the mother said that she went to confront her daughter at her school and the her daughter fled, the girl has not returned home;
5:46 p.m.: threat to commit a crime, a caller reports he was threatened by a known person, the responding officer reports the caller said that an argument with an acquaintance devolved and the man made a non-specific threat, the caller said that he wanted the incident documented in case of further issues;
7:54 p.m.: officer wanted, Belmont Street, a caller requests assistance retrieving his tablet computer from a known party, the responding officer reports that the man said that he met a woman two days earlier and inadvertently left his tablet in her vehicle, the officer reports he spoke with the woman who said that she has not returned the device because she doesn’t know where he lives, the woman agreed to deliver the tablet to the police station when she returned to the city, the tablet was returned but is broken;
7:56 p.m.: larceny, North Elm Street, a caller reports her phone was stolen from her unlocked vehicle, the responding officer report that the caller said that the theft occurred in the previous two hours;
8:01 p.m.: city ordinance violation, Springfield Road, a patrol officer reports he observed two male parties smoking marijuana in a vehicle parked at a Springfield Road department store, city ordinance violation citations were issued.

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