September 5, 2014
I am sending this letter to the Editor of the Westfield News with the hope that it will be published.
I have been in contact with the Department of Public Works, in particular Mr. C. Berube over the past several months regarding a water problem at the Corner of Skyline Dr and West Rd. I wish to PUBLICLY thank Mr. Berube for his patience with me in my anxiousness with regards to having the problem resolved. I have been concerned with the oncoming of the freezing temperatures, as early as October, and black ice that would be occurring on the road, as the cars passing thru the water flow would spread the water across the entire road and this would be freezing.
Approximately four years ago we had the same problem, and the departments involved with the repair could not make corrections until after the winter months. We did have the accident right in front of my home, where the telephone pole had to be taken down because of black ice. I was very concerned that, if this time around, with the water leak being even worse than before, if not repaired we would have an even greater accident this freezing season.
Mr. Berube was always kind and courteous to me, throughout all our correspondence, (of which there were many) and I thank him for that! I would also like to thank Mayor Daniel Knapik, Matthew VanHenyigen, James Adams, Brian Sullivan, Brent Bean, and Christopher Keefe for their assistance with regards to this matter as well.
I have been a resident of Westfield all my life, and I firmly believe that when you are faced with a problem such as this, if you go thru the correct channels a solution to the problem will occur. I will admit that I was worried that this road repair would not be done prior to the cold weather; but, just this week the departments involved were up and the repair has been done!
Westfield truly is a wonderful city. For me, I would not wish to live anywhere else. Thank you again to those involved for taking care of this road repair.
September 11, 2014
Dear Friends,
Once again it’s September 11th. How quickly the years have sped since that day 13 years ago when you were so tragically taken from us.
I think we all remember exactly what we were doing that sunny, Tuesday morning when marigold still bloomed. The news of the two planes crashing into the Twin Towers, and the plane crashing into the field in Pennsylvania broke into radio and television broadcasts. The scenes we saw were devastating – thick black smoke billowing everywhere, and eventually the buildings collapsing with you trapped inside. It seemed unbelievable that such a a thing could happen, that it wasn’t an accident but a deliberate attack by terrorists of our beloved country.
Many acts of courage and bravery occurred that day, and in the days to come. First responders entered the burning buildings to try and save you. Sadly, many of them lost their lives too. Some led others down the dark, smoke filled stairs where it was difficult to breathe. Those on the plane to Pennsylvania sacrificed their own lives to save more lives from being lost. The words, “Let’s Roll”, forever inspire us.
We will have a time of reflection today; your names will be solemnly read, and you will seem so close. The last messages on your cell phones were of Love. “I love you”, you said for Love survives all.
You lie on in your families and children, and in the brave and caring deeds that are done every day. You taught us how.
Rest now in God’s eternal peace, dear friends.
Bernadette Gentry 2014
18 Fern Hollow Drive, CT 06035
September 15, 2014
Dear Reader,
I write in response to what I consider biased and prejudicial writings by The Republican regard to the recent race for Hampden County District Attorney.
In their endorsement, which appeared in The Republican’s September 5, 2014 edition, the paper made remarks apparently intended to discredit Brett Vottero’s career accomplishments, including that he “has a confrontational style that is better suited to litigation than management.” It further remarked “it is telling that his previous employer, William D. Bennett, chose to endorse another candidate.”
In his role as Assistant District Attorney, Vottero did more than his share of prosecuting many of the most violent crimes committed in our country over the past 20+ years. Dealing with this criminal element required toughness, tenacity and focus. The responsibility entrusted on Brett Vottero included the prosecution of 17 actual murder trials and did not allow time for shaking hands and kissing babies. Additionally, during his tenure under Bennett, he was also responsible for overseeing and providing guidance to other attorneys in the Office, and was the Chief of the Homicide Unit.
Had the paper taken the time, they would have learned of the dozens of victims of crime who share an admiration and mutual respect for the man who helped them in their time of loss. These supporters were frequently present during recent campaign activities. I would argue that it is more telling that the paper and Bennett failed to disclose to the voters the background surrounding Mr. Vottero’s disagreement with Bennett’s handling of a sexual harassment incident with in the District Attorney’s office in 2007, and the connection to his subsequent resignation from the Office.
The female victim of the sexual harassment incident suffered further injury when her job title was taken away and her duties and responsibilities were altered following her public disclosure of this incident. Brett Vottero, who had been appointed Chief of the DA’s Homicide Unit by Bill Bennett resigned from Bennett’s office in 2008 as a matter of professional ethics related to Bennett’s handling of this matter, rather than continue to serve under Bennett.
The Republican, and it’s affiliate, MassLive were given an opportunity to inform the electorate of this incident by publishing a letter recently written by the victim, however they refused. I am proud to say that the Westfield News Group displayed journalistic integrity and published the letter in the September 6, 2014 edition of the Westfield News.
It would have taken no effort whatsoever for The Republican to access their archives and make this information available, as they covered this incident and Mr. Vottero’s resignation back in 2007-2008. Still, their endorsement implied that the lack of Bennett’s endorsement was somehow related to a flaw in Vottero’s abilities. It appears that personal vendetta regarding Mr. Vottero challenging his former boss is a more likely explanation.
The paper’s statement that Brett Vottero “shows no interest in running a transparent office” is simply false. I would refer the readers, as well as The Republican to Mr. Vottero’s views regarding this matter as discussed during the MassLive/CBS Forum interview of August 22, 2014.
In the September 10, 2014 editorial, The Republican expressed that the newly elected DA ran a simple and positive campaign. I believe that Brett Vottero and one other candidate likewise ran positive campaigns. Keeping it simple would seemingly be the only option for a job seeker with as little actual legal experience, and no supervisory or managerial experience as has the newly elected DA. His campaign relied heavily on endorsements as evidence of his readiness for this position. Were the endorsements based on his accumulated “body of work” as an Assistant District Attorney? What political connections and familial considerations came into play to garner so much support? Was it his remarkable career in Superior Court as a prosecutor, or was something else at play here?
In its September 10 editorial, The Republican states it hopes “Gulluni will surround himself with seasoned advisers who can help him as he confronts the inevitable challenges the office will hold, starting with funding.” What types of advisers is the paper referrining to? What specifically will their roles be? Why is it necessary to hire these advisers, given Gulluni’s salary of $177,000 in his new position? Certainly the voting taxpayers have an expectation that Gulluni is ready on day one to handle his responsibilities. This suggestion is troubling on many levels. Is he not ready for the challenges associated with this role?
In 2010 The Republican cited “experience” as a key deciding factor regarding their selection of the DA candidate. Apparently, experience is not he key attribute it was just four years ago. Has our crime situation in Hampden County improved that dramatically in the past four years? Or is it that political connections and a loyalty to the establishment are now more important than experience?
Finally, The Republican has issued a suggested code of ethics for political candidates, as published in its September 10th editorial. Among the suggestions is a call for candidates to not exaggerate past accomplishments. It also suggests “shading the truth about an opponent’s record or positions is a commonly accepted and commonly used tactic. It’s reprehensible though.”
It would be my recommendation that The Republican editorial staff put into practice what it preaches.
Jack LaBroad