
Avery Street and St Dennis Street Road Reconstruction

Avery St. Westfield

WESTFIELD – City officials announced Thursday that Lane Construction will be reconstructing both Avery Street and St Dennis Street starting on Monday June 4th.

The work includes removing the existing pavement, minor regrading of the road, and installation of new pavement.

St. Dennis St. Westfield

Driveway aprons and lawn areas will be repaired as needed to match the new roadway.

The anticipated work hours are between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm at which time vehicles will not be allowed to park on the street.  The roads will be open to local traffic but minor delays are anticipated.

The pavement removal, minor grading, driveway base repairs, and base layer of new pavement are expected to be complete within approximately 1 week from commencing.  The final top layer of pavement on the driveways and roadway are expected by the last week of June.

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