Westfield Newsroom

Baker establishes judicial commission

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker recently signed Executive Order 558 establishing the Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC), a 21-member, statewide body to screen applications for judicial and clerk-magistrate positions. He also announced that his administration is currently accepting applications for individuals seeking to serve on the JNC.
Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito are recruiting a team of commissioners to serve on the JNC through the JNC website, mass.gov/jnc.
“This non-partisan, non-political, non-compensated Judicial Nominating Commission will help the administration recruit the highest caliber of judicial officer appointments,” said Baker. “Lieutenant Governor Polito and I aim to draw from all quarters of the Commonwealth and develop a commission that represents our diverse population. We are committed to continuing the longstanding tradition of appointing extremely well qualified individuals to the bench.”
“Serving on the JNC is an opportunity for individuals to have a significant impact on the Courts,” said Polito. “We believe that the process established in the executive order will allow the governor to have a strong pool of judicial candidates to choose from.”
After the members of the commission have been selected, the JNC will immediately begin work on reviewing applications for open judicial positions.
Applications for the new JNC and current judicial openings are available at www.mass.gov/jnc. The deadline for JNC commissioner applications is February 27.

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