
Barry assesses mid-year



SOUTHWICK – The School Committee received the first new self evaluation from Superintendent Dr. John Barry this week.
The Admin Mid-Cycle Formative Assessment is part of a new evaluation process adopted this year that encompasses all teachers and administrators, including Barry.
“This is the mid-year,” Barry said. “There will be a more detailed, full evaluation at the end of the year.”
The first goal Barry addressed was the inclusion of Granville into the regional district. Barry’s list of accomplishments regarding the inclusion of Granville was lengthy.
Barry listed his professional practice goal description as the oversight and “complete management tasks” related to the inclusion of Granville in the district. This was the first full year for the new regional school district.
Accomplishments included writing, submitting, and receiving a $44,000 grant, extensive repairs to the physical plant at Granville Village School, a revised transportation system, improvements to district computer programs, re-organization of technology staff, and the changing of all district forms and letterhead to reflect Granville as part of the school system, among others.
“More work is needed on curriculum and the consultant report will guide that work,” Barry stated.
“As you can see, he is very busy,” said Committee Chairman James Vincent.
Another goal Barry addressed was in regard to facilitating the design phase and construction document phase of the school building project. Barry commented on the work completed to date, including design decisions such as interior colors, cabinetry, technology, heating systems, etc. Barry said there was an extensive side project regarding the septic requirements that is being resolved.
The school building project was “the primary focus in terms of staff time and my time,” Barry said of the first half of the year.
The third goal addressed in the evaluation was educational programming for the re-configured schools. Work included the hiring of a scheduling consultant and secondary administrator to create a virtual school.
“Perhaps a more complicated part of this work is and will be the decisions that will need to be made regarding educational programs, grad requirements and accommodating students who are in CT and who have had three years of long blocks,” Barry wrote in the assessment.
The committee was satisfied with Barry’s mid-year evaluation and said they look forward to the end of year assessment.

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