
Brad & Bo’s ‘Santa Show’ on WSKB

Former local radio morning talk show hosts (l-r) Bo Sullivan and Brad Shepard return to the airwaves this Friday on WSKB. (photo submitted)

by Ken Stomski, contribuitor

WESTFIELD – Several years ago a staple in morning radio talk shows during the holiday season was the special Christmas show, affectionately called “The Santa Show”, on WHYN-AM radio with Brad Shepard and Bo Sullivan.  Local dignitaries were invited into the studio, and phone calls were taken from children and children at heart by Santa, live on air.

Kenny Stomski, who hosts “Ken’s Den”, a popular morning radio program on WSKB’s Community Radio in Westfield recently had Brad Shepard and Bo Sullivan in the WSKB studios for a live, on-air reunion, and it was determined afterwards that it was time to bring the “Santa Show” back to the airwaves.

On December 22nd Stomski welcomes Brad, Bo, and Santa into the WSKB studios to bring this special holiday broadcast back to life.  Local Westfield dignitaries including Westfield’s mayor Brian Sullivan will be stopping by thoughout the broadcast and phone lines will be open at 413-572-5579 to anyone who would like to talk with Santa.  This special broadcast will be from 6AM to 10AM.

WSKB can be heard at 89.5FM and audio streamed at wskb.org.  The studio also has a video feed of their community radio broadcasts on local cable channel 15(Westfield), and at westfieldtv.org.  The shows are recorded and later posted to Vimeo.  The studio line is 413-572-5579.

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