The Westfield News
Good morning. Driving through downtown Westfield I looked at the stella dora flowers. There’s got to be hundreds of them. Each and...
Yes, I find it very interesting that I called the police the other night to find out what time the concert was...
Hi! On a recent trip through New York State we observed a sign with pictures at a local restaurant/bar. We were seated...
This is to the Water Department: There is a leak in the road at the bottom of Bates Rd, on the knoll,...
Mr. Dobelle: Yes, Mr. Dobelle you are truly a man of letters! You have taken the money & the trust of the...
Mayor Knapik, you should support Mayor Sarnoff of Springfield’s ruling that he doesn’t want any more refugees in his city. We should...
Dear PulseLine, I want to take this opportunity to once again thank our governor for raising cost and eliminating jobs in the...
Another great example of the town of Westfield and Small Business in this town… Now it is Ron Cappa and the ole...
Good afternoon PulseLine, I am a handicapped individual and I just wondered if there was anyone else in town that is as...
Hi. I’m reading the PulseLine for Tuesday, August 6 and the guy talking about the transfer station and the things that need...
Yes, the mayor of Springfield, Mayor Sarno, has told the state enough is enough with dumping refugees on his city. Well, maybe...
Can you update us on the Lockhouse/Arch roadwork or lack thereof? It’s very disappointing to see such a small project take the...