WESTFIELD – The Council on Aging programs are going back to 40 Main Street after being temporarily relocated since August because of the Main Street reconstruction and the construction of a new Rocky’s Ace Hardware store next to the Senior Center.
COA Director Tina Gorman said the center programs, which were relocated to City Hall and St. John’s Lutheran Church on Broad Street will be returning to the Senior Center in March.
“The Senior Center, Council On Aging staff, programs, and meals have been scattered throughout the City for the past eight months while construction all around the 40 Main Street site prevailed,” Gorman said in a prepared text. “At long last, we are heading home.”
The final day of meals and activities at the St. John’s Senior Center Relocation Site will be Thursday, March 1.
“We are extremely grateful to Rev. Christopher Hazzard, the Board of Trustees, and the entire congregation for the use of their spacious facility,” Gorman said. “They have been perfect hosts during our stay there.”
Gorman said Friday, March 2, will be the Council’s “moving day” back to its 40 Main St. facility.
“No lunch will be served (Friday, March 2) and all activities are cancelled, as we pack up supplies and return to the Senior Center.” she said. “The Council On Aging office in Room 206 at City Hall will remain open on March 2. Carol Shannon, Karen Noblit, and the Westfield Travel Club will be available to assist seniors and field telephone calls. That office, City Hall, Room 206, will close on Wednesday, March 7 as Carol, Karen, and the Travel Club return to the 40 Main Street site. If you have any questions, please call the Council On Aging at 562-6435.”
The meals and activities programs will resume on Monday March 5 at the Main Street location.
Gorman said the COA has continued to provide AARP tax return preparation assistance to the city’s senior citizens, by appointment, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 40 Main Street because the computer system needed for that service could not be relocated to another venue.
“We started the tax program on Feb. 6 and it will run until April 12,” Gorman said. “We are currently booked through the first week in April. It’s a really popular program.”
The Friends of the Senior Center, a group established to promote construction of a new senior center, has slated its first fund-raising event for March 3 at the Shaker Farms Country Club.
The groups inaugural “Shake Off the Winter Party” will feature Cory and the Knightsmens from 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. and will also feature, hot hors d’oeuvres, cocktails and raffles.
The goal of the Friends is to raise $500,000 over the next several years to purchase furniture and furnishings for the center after is constructed.