Reminder Publishing sent both candidates for Westfield Ward 1 city councilor identical questionnaires covering several topics of interest to voters. Today we are presenting the final question. Answers are in the candidates’ own words and have not been edited, except for spelling and punctuation. Responses are listed in the order that candidates will be listed in the ballot: incumbent first, then challenger.
Today’s question: What makes you a better choice for Ward 1 city councilor than your opponent?
Nicholas Morganelli: I don’t like to speak about myself, so I invite the reader to ask others. People have said and have told me I’m respectful and have integrity. They also say I’m a good listener and can attest to my track record of solving problems and speaking on behalf of residents and businesses. I served from 2008 to 2012 as well as 2018 to 2019 at-large, and now this current term, 2020-2022, as Ward 1 councilor. Ward 1 residents can attest how I’ve advocated for clean, safe drinking water during these last six years, and asking to develop an uncontaminated new source of water. I will say, I know the needs of Ward 1 residents and have the experience and relationships with departments in and outside of city government to better the quality of life for Ward 1 and Westfield as a whole.
Marybeth Berrien: I would be the better choice for Ward 1 because I will be for Ward 1. I would show up on time to my meetings. I did not hedge my bets and take out multiple signature sheets, my sole intention was to run for my ward, to work hard for Ward 1. I am an active member in the community, I am known in my neighborhood. I am available and approachable.
To read all of our questions and answers with Ward 1 candidates, visit