Westfield District Court
Monday, July 28, 2014
David P. Szenkum, 44, of 6 Gold St., was released on his personal recognizance pending a Sept. 1 hearing after he was arraigned on a charge of assault and battery brought by Westfield police.
Kenneth J. Otey, 43, of 24 Quincy St., Springfield, was held in lieu of $1,000 cash bail pending an Aug. 27 hearing after he was arraigned on charges of receiving a stolen vehicle and possession of a Class A drug brought by Westfield police.
Matthew D. Pieciak, 29, of 14 East Main St., Huntington, was released on his personal recognizance pending a Sept. 30 hearing after he was arraigned on charges of operating a motor vehicle with suspended registration and operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license brought by Westfield police.
Daniel J. Viel, 23, of 163 Berkshire Ave., Southwick, was released on his personal recognizance pending a Sept. 30 hearing after he was arraigned on charges of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of liquor and negligent operation of a motor vehicle brought by Southwick police.