Torch Club members taking their oath to participate in and follow the rules of Torch Club. (Photo submitted)

Kellie Brown, director of operations, pinning Janessa Ayala. Kellie Brown, director of operations, pinning Janessa Ayala. Each Torch Club member receives a pin and club card officially recognizing commitment to the program. (Photo submitted)

All Torch Club members with Blair Wilkinson, education coordinator, after the pinning ceremony with their new Torch Club cards.(Photo submitted)
Having fun while helping others
Jaclyn Parks
Development & Marketing Director
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Westfield
It’s no secret that kids love belonging to a group where they can complete fun activities, receive membership cards/pins, form lasting friendships and memories, and get positive recognition for their achieved accomplishments. At the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Westfield, there are many different groups for children of all ages to join. Two such groups that have been very active the past few weeks are K-Kids and Torch Club.
K-Kids is a “student-led” community-service organization ideally suited for youth ages six though 12. Kiwanis Club of Greater Westfield members are actively involved in this program that offers children opportunities to work on small community projects and develop their leadership and teamwork skills.
“This year we have been incorporating fun activities through the PBS program ‘Fetch with Ruff’,” said Blair Wilkinson, education coordinator. “Each week ‘Ruff’ presents a challenge for the kids to complete that is worth points. The kids have been learning how to tackle problems, brainstorm, use scientific experiment procedures and work together to solve the challenges.”
Wilkinson described one challenge that had the children write invisible messages on paper with baking soda and water. To reveal the message, they performed experiments, to discover which fruit juice made the ink appear.
“We have around 35 youths who are very involved in K-Kids. We had a small ceremony last week to celebrate the kid’s participation in the ‘Fetch with Ruff’ program,” said Wilkinson.
K-Kids are also working with Torch Club members to raise money for the Brightside Angels.
When children age out of K-Kids they move up to Torch Club. Torch Clubs are small-group leadership and service clubs for youth 11 to 13 years old. Torch Club members learn to work together to plan and implement activities in four areas: service to Club and community; education; health and fitness; and social recreation.
K-Kids and Torch Club members have set up a small ‘store’ in the Club’s lobby where people can purchase an array of holiday gifts. All money raised will be donated to the Brightside Angels.
“Everyone should come to the Club and buy some Christmas gifts so we can raise money for the families that go to Brightside. We are working hard to raise money for them because we think everyone should have a good and happy holiday,” said Janessa Ayala, Torch Club member. “I moved up from K-Kids to Torch Club because I like how the programs help us help the community. I like going to our meetings where we think of different fun fundraisers we can do. It’s nice because everyone’s thoughts always get listened to.”
The leadership groups will be selling holiday gift items in the Club’s lobby until December 20th.
“Everyone should stop by the Club and buy some awesome gifts for their families. At the same time they’ll be helping us Torch kids help families have a great holiday, too,” explained Ayala.