
Families of service members honored with Gold Star flags

SOUTHWICK (WWLP) – A Gold Star family is a family that has lost a loved one while being active in the military. A Gold Star represents a life of a family member that was killed while serving in the military.
The second annual Honor and Remember Bike, Run, and Barbeque was held at the VFW Post 872 in Southwick to honor Philip Bushong and his family.
Brian Miller, state chapter director of Honor & Remember, said the goal of Saturday’s event was to “let the Gold Star families meet each other and just for the community to come out and give their thanks and gratitude.”
Bushong was a Marine stabbed to death at 23 years old in 2012 while stationed in Washington D.C. A fellow Marine was found guilty in the stabbing. Bushong’s family was chosen by Honor and Remember to receive a Gold Star flag.
“Philip was so loved, so this is a great thing to do three years after his passing,” said Michael Bushong. “And to be able to get this flag from this great organization.”
Gold Star family members tell 22News that in the first few months after the traumatic event of losing a family member in the military there’s a lot of community support but that support tends to fade away in the first couple of months and events like these reaffirm that community support is there.
Gary Rud’s son Patrick was a Tech Sgt. of the 104th Fighter Wing at Barnes Air National Guard Base. He was killed at 32-years-old in a motorcycle accident in Holyoke last year. Gary Rud says the support from the community and military has been tremendous.
“This is in honor of him and of every other Gold Star family out there,” said Rud.
Sixty-five families in Massachusetts have requested an embroidered Gold Star flag. The flags cost about $350 and are bought with donations.

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