SOUTHWICK – With open burning season in Massachusetts running from January 15 until May 1, the season is about to end and Southwick Fire Chief Russ Anderson has given his thoughts on how the open burning season fared in Southwick.
According to the regulations from Mass DEP (Department of Environmental Protection), open burning can only take place between the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Southwick Fire Chief Russ Anderson. (WNG File Photo)
Anderson was happy to report that the majority of residents complied with the regulations.
“It has been a quiet season with only a couple of fires burning after 4 p.m.,” said Anderson. “Permittees have been very vigilant in following the rules and it shows with minimum calls for fires getting out of hand.
The several days of rain experienced between January until now has also attributed to the minimal issues with open burning getting out of control.
“We have only shut down burning about eight days over the three-month burning season due to wind conditions forecasted for the afternoons,” said Anderson.
Anderson also added that the Southwick Fire Department wrote 350 permits for open burning this season.
Besides open burning only allowed to take place from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., Mass DEP requires that open burning has to occur at least 75 feet from all buildings. Mass DEP also has regulations on what people can burn and can’t burn.
While Southwick allows open burning with the requisite permits and authorizations, there are 22 communities throughout the commonwealth that prohibit open burning, including nearby towns and cities like Chicopee, Holyoke, Springfield, and West Springfield.