
Put a lid on stovetop fires

fire prevention wk STOW – “The kitchen is no place to multi-task. Leaving pots and pans unattended can be a recipe for disaster,” said State Fire Marshal Stephen D. Coan. “Cooking is the leading cause of fires and fire injuries in the home,” he added, “So remember to Stand By Your Pan to prevent kitchen fires, and if one does occur, the best way to put it out is to Put A Lid On It.” This week is Fire Prevention Week and this year’s theme is Prevent Kitchen Fires.
No one thinks fire will happen to them, yet according to data from the Massachusetts Fire Incident Reporting System (MFIRS), there were 9,905 cooking fires reported in Massachusetts homes during 2012 causing 3 civilian deaths, 75 civilian injuries, 26 fire service injuries and an estimated $10.8 million in property damage. That’s why it is so important to practice good fire safety by staying in the kitchen when cooking. If you must leave the room, even for a short period of time, turn off the stove. When baking or roasting food, check it regularly, stay in the home, and use a timer to remind you. If you have young children, use the stove’s back burners whenever possible. Keep children and pets at least three away from the stove. When you cook, wear clothing with short or tight-fitting sleeves, and use oven mitts to protect hands from hot liquid spills.
It’s also important to be prepared by installing smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, which give us time to escape, and to make and practice a home escape plan, so everyone will know what to do in an emergency.
Fire departments all across the state will be participating in events such as school programs and fire department open houses to share important fire prevention and fire survival information with the people in their communities.
For more information, please go to our website, www.mass.gov/dfs and click on Fire Prevention Week.

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