Rich Moreau and Denis Diaz Sr. get new tables in place for new outdoor area at museum. (Photo submitted)
The Highland Street Foundation’s Free Fun Fridays program will offer free admission to the Amelia Park Children’s Museum on Friday, Aug. 3, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Amelia Park Children’s Museum, 29 South Broad St., Westfield.
This year, a record-breaking 50 venues are participating in Free Fun Fridays, with five cultural venues open free-of-charge each Friday this summer. Free Fun Fridays is a 10-week program, which runs from June 29 – August 31.
On Aug. 3, Mayor Knapik will also be intending the event to dedicate the new outdoor picnic area at 11:00 a.m. with Rep. Humason and Home Depot also in attendance. 1,000 to 1,500 visitors are expected that day. There will also be balloon artists, hula hoopers, face painting and crafts. North Elm Butcher Block will be catering.
Any family is invited to attend. (Large groups are discouraged from attending on this day due to expected crowds. Please contact the Amelia Park Children’s Museum directly at 413-572-4014 if there are any questions).
Free Fun Fridays, the annual summer program that opens the doors to some of Massachusetts’ best cultural institutions at no cost to visitors. For more information, visit:
http://www.highlandstreet.org/special-programs/free-fun-fridays.html and www.ameliaparkmuseum.org.