Around Town

Fun, safe fundraiser set to benefit youth football

WESTFIELD-Area residents are welcome to attend a small Westfield Youth Football Board & Brush fundraiser July 25 at the East Mountain Country Club.

“With all that is happening in the world and the uncertainty of a season this year, we want to be able to cover year-round costs as we don’t want to have to rely on registration fees,” said Melanie McNamara, who serves as Westfield Youth Football’s vice president and director of fundraising.

Participants are sought for a fundraiser July 25 titled Board & Brush to benefit Westfield Youth Football. Each participant will receive a board and all of the supplies they need for decorating. (MELANIE MCNAMARA PHOTO)

McNamara noted that the “small event” will be conducted in a safe environment, following all requirements and current safety standards.

“We are hosting a nice, safe, fun activity that will get you out of the house and get your creative juices flowing,” said McNamara.

Participants will receive all of the supplies they need to create a memorable board, from stencils, paint and brushes, sanding blocks and choices of embellishments to sealer spray.

“While the event is planned inside, any additional sanding and spray painting a participant wants to do will be taken outside,” said McNamara, noting the initial sanding and painting has already been completed.

McNamara has organized the event, planned from 2:30 – 5:30 p.m., with assistance from Ashley Hawkins.

“Ashley Hawkins is one of our Bomber parents who helped me organize and coordinate the event and will be the one running the event,” said McNamara.

Face masks will be required when social distancing cannot occur, according to McNamara.

All supplies will be provided for participants to create a decorative board during a Westfield Youth Football fundraiser July 25. (MELANIE MCNAMARA PHOTO)

“We will have six people per table maximum and there will be six feet between tables,” she said.

Tickets are $35 and can be purchased via McNamara’s personal Facebook page post dated July 14 with an Eventbrite link or by emailing her at [email protected] for more details.

“We are hoping to raise between $500 and $800 and to increase interest for future similar events,” said McNamara, noting 30 tickets will be sold for this fundraiser.

Another Westfield Youth Football fundraiser in the planning stages is a Bingo Bags and Raffles event slated Aug. 20.

Light snacks will be served during the event and a cash bar will be available.

“Your ticket includes your board and all the supplies needed to create your masterpiece while having fun with friends,” said McNamara. “Board and Brush events are great ways to create decor for you or a loved one. We are looking forward to this one and many more.”

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