Gateway wood shop students Victoria Kot, Tim Basak, Jacob Stevens and Sierra Russell with walking sticks they created. (Photo by Amy Porter)
WESTFIELD – Gateway wood shop students have created four walking sticks for the Southern Hilltowns Adult Education (SHAEC) 5k Walk/Hike at Littleville Dam this Saturday. The walking sticks, made out of oak and pine, were carved with SHAEC on one side of the handle, and 5K 2019 on the other.
The students creating the walking sticks were Victoria Kot of Westfield, Tim Basak of Middlefield, Jacob Stevens of Montgomery and Sierra Russell of Blandford.
The walking sticks will be given to the walkers raising the most money for the fundraising walk/hike which begins at 10 a.m., rain or shine, in honor of SHAEC’s 20th anniversary of providing free classes to hilltown residents. More information may be found at shaec.org.
“We’re always so thankful when they take on projects like this,” said Gateway Community Relations Director Wendy Long.
Wood shop and freshman science teacher Mike Harper said the class has done a lot of projects for almost every Town Hall in the hilltowns. Some donated projects have included a dining table for seniors at the Russell Town Hall, and a plaque for the Huntington Town Hall.

The wood shop is creating a Little Free Library for the Chester Elementary School. (Photo by Amy Porter)
“It’s a great class, always willing to take it on. I couldn’t be prouder,” said Harper.
The shop is currently working on a Little Free Library for Chester Elementary School. Harper said when finished, the library will resemble the historic Chester Railway Station.