
Growth Mindset in the Workplace

by Norman Halls, contributor

Influence on human behavior is a product of the situation of cultural influences, social roles, and of the person’s personality characteristics. Inspiring leaders understand the need for making an emotional connection with colleagues. They want to provoke a sense of desire rather than fear. The employer’s performance is the ability to recognize problems in your company’s systems and in your employees so you can help drive positive change. Good leaders recognize that asking others for advice is evidence of their confidence and strength, not a sign of weakness. Because of their ability to build trust in the decisions they make, their ability to change the organization skyrockets. If others do not trust your judgment it will be difficult to get them to make the changes you want them to make. Dr. Linda Anderson wrote; “Unfortunately, there are leaders who are out of balance among these responsibilities, and skew more towards the focus of work production and profit at all costs at the expense of their team’s culture and satisfaction, or the collateral damage their organization may cause on their communities or the environment.”

The corporate position is to grow and evolve individual’s thinking to be responsible and forward thinking.  They want their strategic goals and those of their organization to be in alignment. The result is most leaders are conflicted, battling the gulf between assimilation to what the corporate situation dictates and being the dependable and vulnerable leaders their people want and need.

Dr. Nadine Page, Hult International Business School said: “Individuals with a growth mindset pursue challenging development opportunities. Even in the face of frustrations and setbacks, they perceive effort as essential for development, and seek feedback to garner useful insights. As the world of work changes and workplaces become interdependent, interpersonal, and unpredictable, a growth mindset is likely to better prepare executives, compared with trained technical expertise, for the reality of the world of work today.”

A research study conducted over 2 decades by Carol Dweck of Stanford University states that intelligence and creativity can be developed and are not only traits that a person is born with. The inability to break status quo is attributed to having a fixed mindset while the desire to learn, develop and grow arises out of the growth mindset.

Influential employers with a growth mindset see talent and intelligence as the starting point, and are interested in cultivating people’s effort and willingness to learn. There are many misconceptions about what it means to have a growth mindset. “For example, some people misunderstand and think it’s all about constantly rewarding and praising effort. However, effort alone is not always a great thing, especially if it’s unproductive. People who embrace the growth mindset know learning and progress are both just as important as effort.” wrote William Craig Forbes Magazine

A growth mindset empowers you to appreciate that your organization is always open for improvement — and one that can be improved continually. “What the most successful leaders have that others don’t is a GROWTH MINDSET. They believe that they will become the best leaders they can be through EFFORT, LEARNING, and GROWTH. They believe they, and everyone they work with, are capable of improving. Without this underlying belief, they will not put the time and effort into learning those needed skills because, well, why bother? You either have the talent and intelligence to be a leader or you don’t, right?” wrote Natalie Rivera Transformation Academy

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