
Hello Ward 3 and Westfield

Andrew Surprise Head shotI hope everyone is getting out and enjoying the cool fall weather and beautiful changing colors of the season. The recent October snow storm we experienced, brought back memories of the October snow storm of 2011, when many of us lost power for days and even weeks at a time. It’s a lesson and reminder for all of us, to ensure we are prepared when disaster hits. Make sure you have at least 5 days of ready to eat food and water stored away, flashlights, candles, matches, and other essentials, in case the worst does happen again.

Speaking of disaster, many people think this election season has ended up that way. I would implore everyone to get out and vote on November 8th, don’t sit out this election.Even if you can’t bring yourself to vote for the top of the ticket, there are many worthy down ballot candidates that can use your support and your vote. Our own State Senator Don Humason is one of those candidates. I am fully supporting Don, and I hope you do too. He has worked hard for Westfield, and for the Senate district over the years. Don has brought back needed state resources and attention to Westfield, he has been a strong defender of our rights, and he represents our values. Don Humason deserves our support. There are also several important ballot questions in Massachusetts this year. The End Common Core ballot question, which I worked on as the Western Massachusetts Regional Director for the ballot committee, was unfortunately thrown out in court. However it is likely efforts to restore the Massachusetts education standards to the pre-Common Core standards, and reduce usage of standardized testing, will proceed in the future. I will not tell people how I think they should vote on the ballot questions, as I trust you can make your own informed decisions, but if you want my opinion on any of the questions, feel free to contact me, I’m happy to discuss them.

Westfield residents know taxes are going up, due to the outsized budget which passed earlier this year, over the protests of several Councilors, including myself. I voted against the budget, because I believe we need to get spending under control, and work to bring in more businesses and new residents to expand our tax base, and reduce the burden on our citizens. Higher taxes end up pushing business out of Westfield, and it makes life harder for our residents, especially for our working families, senior citizens living on fixed incomes. The new tax rates will be set no later than this December. Taxes will continue to go up until more people that will support responsible spending step up to run for office. The fiscal watchdogs on the Council need your support and help to reduce spending, we cannot do it alone. We need residents to attend not just the council meetings, but also budget committee meetings. We need you to contact all of the Councilors, and City Hall, and let them know that you expect municipal government to be more judicious with your tax dollars.

Moving on to positive news for Ward 3, we are actually having our roads repaired. The new infrared pot hole patching machine, which some of us pushed the city to purchase, has finally arrived. Our DPW employees have just finished training on it, and I have requested DPW to repair several of our downtown side streets in Ward 3. Washington, Jefferson, West School, Hampden, and Grand streets, are on the list of those which need immediate attention. I have also recently confirmed with our City Engineer Mark Cressotti, that Franklin St. in on the agenda for repaving this spring. Thankfully the Mayor has heard our request to expedite the Western Avenue reconstruction. He has asked for my support in moving up the Western Avenue project to next year. I have pledged my support, and will work closely with City Hall to ensure this gets completed as soon as possible. Western Avenue is in dire need of repair, as we all saw last winter when the city actually installed drive at your own risk signs on that street.

Lastly I’d like to note a positive happening in Ward 3 at Veteran’s Automotive (formerly Brake King) on Summer Street, at the corner of Franklin Street. Julie Desharnais, a veteran, local artist, and ArtWorks member, is creating a Veterans Memorial Mural on the side of Veteran’s Automotive. ArtWorks will be contributing funding, and many local businesses have contributed either funding or supplies toward this important commemoration, which honors those that have volunteered to serve, and to defend our freedoms. Over the past several months, it has been a pleasure seeing young people like Julie, and people of all ages and backgrounds getting more involved in our community. They are helping to bring life back to our Downtown, through the summer concerts, book readings, art shows, and other events. It really means a lot to have our citizens being involved and invested in Westfield. I have heard positive affirmation of our efforts from officials and business owners in surrounding communities, and I can tell you that it has not gone unnoticed. I look forward to seeing this continue, and will work to ensure that it does.

As always I am available to all Ward 3 and Westfield residents. If you have any issues with the city with which you need assistance, please contact me at (413) 570-0899, or [email protected]. I also host regular monthly office hours. Until construction at the Westfield Athenaeum is completed I will be moving my office hours to the Press Room, at the Westfield News Building at 62 School St. My office hours are on the Second Monday of each month from 11:30am to 1:00pm, and on the Fourth Monday of each month from 3:00pm to 4:30pm.

P.S. To all the children of Westfield have a Happy Halloween, and don’t eat too much candy. To all Westfielders, have a Happy Thanksgiving, and don’t eat too much Turkey.

Andrew K. Surprise

City Councilor – Ward 3

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