Westfield Newsroom

State Representative Don Humason: Get to know me

I have been Westfield’s State Representative for nearly ten years. I am currently serving in my 5th two-year term of office. Every week for nearly a decade I have written a column for the Saturday Westfield News for those willing to read my reports, thoughts, and perspectives.
I am immensely proud and gratified not to have opposition for the upcoming election but one of the problems with running unopposed is the media and press aren’t very interested in you. You don’t get interviewed by a newspaper editorial board and there are no televised debates between you and a challenger where you can put yourself out there and let the voters get to know you.
I would like to reintroduce myself to my constituents and to the readers of this column.
I got the idea recently from one of those emails from a friend that contains 21 questions and the person’s answers. You’re supposed to add your answers to the same questions, copy ten more people, and then send it back to the original sender.
So, here goes. I’ve answered as honestly as possible. Read this and get to know me.

1) What are you reading right now? 2 books: “Seal Team Six – The Memoirs of an Elite Navy Seal Sniper” by Howard Wasdin & Stephen Templin and “Massachusetts Curiosities” by Bruce Gellerman & Erik Sherman.

2) What is your greatest personal accomplishment? I don’t know. Being Quinn’s dad? Or maybe it hasn’t happened yet.

3) What are you listening to right now? Pandora Internet Radio. Journey station.

4) What would you do if you won the lottery? Pay off our mortgage and bills for me, Janice and our parents, travel cross country and to Ireland and Europe, buy an in ground, indoor pool and Jacuzzi. But I rarely play so I’m not likely to ever win.

5) What is your greatest personal failure? That I don’t have the will power to lose weight and get in better shape.

6) What do you do to relax? I like going to the range and shooting, getting a massage, or going to the movies.

7) What crime would you commit if you knew you would never be caught and nobody would ever know? I wouldn’t. I’m a Christian. My conscience won’t let me. Plus, my parents and Sunday school teachers taught me better than that.

8) What super power would you want if you could pick any one? The ability to fly.

9) What would your dream job be? I’m already in it. I love representing Westfield in the Legislature.

10) Tell three things about yourself nobody knows. 1, I have donated over 9 gallons of blood thus far as a Red Cross blood donor. 2, I hold a 2nd degree Brown belt in the Japanese martial art of Judo. 3, I am deaf in my right ear so I don’t hear well in a crowded room. I don’t really like crowds.

11) What is your greatest fear? That something bad happens to my parents, wife, or son. I’m also afraid of spiders…  and most bugs.

12) What is your favorite personal possession? My photo albums. I have dozens.

13) What was the happiest day of your life? I have 3: 1, the day I was first elected Westfield’s State Representative, November 2, 2002. 2, the day Janice and I were married, October 21, 2006. 3, the day Quinn was born, August 15, 2011.

14) Are you a cat person or a dog person? Both, I love all animals.

15) Where did you go on your last vacation? Old Orchard Beach, Maine.

16) If you could change one thing about your life what would it be? Lose weight, get in better shape.

17) Biggest pet peeve? Smoking, littering.

18) Favorite movies? Jaws, The Abyss, Star Wars. Act of Valor. Saving Private Ryan. The Untouchables. Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves.

19) What is your guilty pleasure? Watching Wipe Out or Dancing with the Stars.

20) What famous person, dead or alive, would you want to meet? Dead: President Abraham Lincoln or President Ronald Reagan. Alive: Kayla Harrison, 2012 US Olympic Judo Gold medal winner.

21) If tomorrow was your last day on Earth how would you spend it? I’d throw a big party and invite my family and friends. There would be music, singing, drinking, eating, lots of pictures and funny stories, like an Irish wake, which is appropriate because it would probably be at the Sons of Erin.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not the staff, editor, or publisher of the Westfield News.

Representative Don Humason and his Chief of Staff Maura Cassin may be reached at their Westfield District Office, 64 Noble Street, Westfield, MA 01085, (413) 568-1366.

Representative Don Humason may be reached at his Boston office, State House Room 542, Boston, MA 02133, (617) 722-2803.

Email address: [email protected] 

Website: www.DonHumason.org

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