WESTFIELD – The City Council and Planning Board will hold a public hearing on July 5 and July 17, respectively, on a proposal to change the zoning of seven properties on Lockhouse Road and Twiss Street.
The proposed zone change, sponsored by Ward 1 City Councilor Christopher Keefe, would change the current Residence B zone of those properties to Residence C zoning.
The city’s zoning code states that “Residence B Districts are intended to accommodate single family, detached, semi-detached and two family dwellings of medium densities,” while Residence C zoning allow a much more flexible use.
The ordinance states that “Residence C Districts are intended to accommodate the full range of housing types, including single family detached, single family attached, single family semi-detached, two family dwellings and multiple family dwellings at the higher densities appropriate in the established urban neighborhoods. For the purposes of this section only, Project Area is defined as any proposed multi family project containing ten (10) or more units, regardless of the square footage of the site.”
Keefe said today that the intent of his proposed zone change is to have the zoning reflect the current uses of the seven property parcels.
“Right now, there are mostly apartments and multifamily buildings,” he said. “I’m changing the zoning to catch up with what is already there. It’s an area where you’re not going to get single family development.”
Keefe said that the properties are located at the throat of Twiss Street and along Lockhouse Road between Twiss Street and Arch Road.
“It’s an area that is not conducive to development of single family housing,” Keefe said. “There is the (Massachusetts) Turnpike right next to that area, the Twiss Street transfer station and a large volume of truck traffic going through there.”
Keefe said that those factors have a chilling effect on single-family development, demonstrated by the lack of interest in available property, both developed and undeveloped.
“There are at least two under-performing lots, one has an abandoned house that has not moved on the market for years and the other is a vacant lot, which also has drawn no interest,” Keefe said. “This zone change to Residence C would give that area a chance to stretch out to another market. There may be more interest in a multifamily project.”
The proposed zone change to Residence C would include properties at 6 Twiss Street, 110 Lockhouse Road, 100 Lockhouse Road, 88 Lockhouse Road, 109 Lockhouse Road, 0 Lockhouse Road and 0 Arch Road (rear).