BOSTON –The Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development today reported that the total unemployment rate remained at 6.0 percent. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ preliminary June 2012 estimates show that Massachusetts lost 2,600 jobs over the month following on a revised gain of 5,000 jobs in May.
Jobs which are at 3,244,500 reflect gains in June in six of the ten private sectors with the largest gain in Professional, Scientific, and Business Services.
Year to date, Massachusetts added 32,700 jobs; the private sector added 34,900 jobs. Over the year, the Bay State added 35,300 jobs; the private sector added 39,400 jobs.
Employment Overview
Professional, Scientific, and Business Services added 1,900 (+0.4%) jobs over the month, the sector’s twelfth consecutive monthly gain. Over the year, the sector added 27,800 (+5.9%) jobs due mostly to growth in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, which added 15,100 (+5.9%) jobs. Administrative, Support, and Waste Management and Management of Companies also gained jobs over the year.
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities added 700 (+0.1%) jobs over the month due to gains in Wholesale Trade. Year to date, the sector added 9,700 (+1.8%) jobs. Over the year, the sector added 14,100 (+2.6%) jobs with most of the growth in Retail Trade which gained 9,100 (+2.7%) jobs.
Information gained 700 (+0.8%) jobs over the month. Over the year, the sector added 1,100 (+1.3%) jobs.
Financial Activities added 400 (+0.2%) jobs with gains in both components. Over the year, the sector has lost 1,800 (-0.9%) jobs.
Manufacturing added 300 (+0.1%) jobs over the month as the gain in Non-Durable Goods out weighed the loss in Durable Goods. Over the year Manufacturing has added 1,200 (+0.5%) jobs.
Mining and Logging employment gained 100 (+10.0%) jobs over the month and employment was unchanged over the year.
Construction lost 2,100 (-2.0%) jobs over the month. Over the year, the sector lost 7,200 (-6.6%) jobs.
Leisure and Hospitality lost 2,100 (-0.7%) jobs over the month as the loss in Accommodation and Food Services outweighed the gain in Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation. Over the year, Leisure and Hospitality lost 1,100 (-0.4%) jobs.
Education and Health Services lost 1,000 (-0.1%) jobs over the month. Health Care and Social Assistance gained 500 (+0.1%) jobs and Educational Services lost 1,500 (-0.9%) jobs. Over the year, Education and Health Services added 3,100 (+0.5%) jobs.
Other Services lost 800 (-0.7%) jobs over the month. Over the year, the sector gained 2,200 (+1.8%) jobs.
Government lost 700 (-0.2%) jobs over the month. Federal government posted a 300 (+0.6%) gain over the month while Local Government added 100 (0.0%) jobs. State Government lost 1,100 (-0.9%) jobs. Over the year, Government lost 4,100 (-0.9%) jobs.
Labor Force Overview
The June 2012 estimates show 3,254,000 Massachusetts residents were employed and 206,900 were unemployed, for a total labor force of 3,460,900. Over the month, 2,100 fewer residents were unemployed and 4,700 more residents were employed. At 3,254,000, the number of employed residents is the highest since November 2008. Since the unemployment rate peaked at 8.7 percent in October 2009, there are 93,500 more residents employed and 94,100 fewer residents unemployed. Totals may not sum exactly due to rounding.
The unemployment rate is based on a monthly sample of households. The job estimates are derived from a monthly sample survey of employers.