
Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor and the People of Westfield:
I am a printer and a former Marine who works with Dan Allie, who is running for State Representative.
Last December, I lost a winning scratch ticket worth $100 while at work. Fortunately, Dan Allie was the one who found it! He took the time to find a way to discover who had lost and it was returned to me. Being a couple of weeks before Christmas, a lot of people would have been tempted to keep it. Dan doesn’t just throw the words honest and trustworthy in a speech, he is honest and trustworthy!
His passion about what can and should be done to make life better in Westfield is unrelenting; He would have my vote just for that even if he didn’t do that for me!
He stated he would leave his position with our company if elected. Dan built much of our online department, which has been a tremendous boost to our business in these tough economic times. He is extremely hard working, dedicated and organized.
While he certainly would be missed from our company, our loss would surely be a gain for the people of Westfield!
William J. Drainville

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