
Letter: Humbug to landlord banning holiday decorations

The Grinch has arrived at one of the senior housing facilities in Westfield.

HallKeen Management in Norwood, Mass., owner of the property on Thomas Street, has issued a directive to the residents that we cannot have a Christmas tree in the lobby this year, as it may be offensive to some of the residents. Also, we were given a list of things that cannot be used to decorate our apartment doors.

I have lived here since 2002 and never heard any comments to indicate anyone felt offended by the Christmas decorations.

Prior to COVID, we had a trim-the-tree party and everyone donated a new toy, and the Marine Corps League of Westfield took the toys to Shriners Hospital. The last two years prior to COVID, the toys went to a shelter for abused women and children.

I realize that we cannot gather for a party, however, last year we still had a Christmas tree in the lobby.

New York City has as many different nationalities and religions as anywhere, yet every year a huge tree is erected in Rockefeller Plaza, with much publicity. Westfield always has a tree in Park Square. Why should General Shepard residents be denied a Christmas tree in the lobby?

Patricia A. Henchey

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