This is Bridget Matthews-Kane, your Ward 3 representative. I am wrapping up my first term on the City Council and running for re-election. These past two years, I’ve served my community, representing the area of town where I grew up. These neighborhoods are close to my heart, and it’s been an honor to work towards helping the people and places in this section of our city.
I’m proud that I can look back and see all that I accomplished this term in spite of COVID-19. I’ve served as liaison to Off-Street Parking and the Westfield Athenaeum, as well as on the Franklin Avenue School Building Committee, the Auditor Search Committee, and the License, Long-Term Finance, Zoning Planning and Development, and Finance Committees. Through it all, I’ve enjoyed learning more about how our city functions, meeting many of our dedicated staff, and making decisions about how to best move the place we love forward.
During debates on the floor of the City Council, I’ve helped lead the discussion on environmental and safety issues. I’ve spent hours researching context and best practices so that I can make informed decisions. My goal is to present my opinions with civility and respect and do what I can to help the council reach consensus and work as a team to make optimal decisions.
Through it all, I’ve kept a close eye on Ward 3. I’ve walked through the ward identifying issues that need to be resolved, from potholes to overgrowth to full city trash cans. For example, I identified 58 stumps in the ward that needed to be removed, and DPW did a great job taking care of them. In addition, I’ve helped promote all the terrific businesses in our ward and hopefully enhance the rebirth of downtown. I’ve created new social media posts or amplified businesses’ own posts to spread the good news about many of our great Ward 3 businesses. I’ve also worked in conjunction with other city departments to improve the ward: I’ve helped promote the Greening the Gateway Cities project (the free trees!), bolstered the application for the multi-use trail on Court Street, and advocated to expand Whip City Fiber throughout the ward. This collaboration allows all the parts of our city to work to their best potential.
When I ran for office two years ago, I promised to be a thoughtful, independent, civil voice on the council with a laser-like focus on Ward 3 issues. I’m proud to say I have accomplished that, and I hope you agree. I humbly ask for your vote on Nov. 2, and l look forward to serving our beloved community for another two years.
Bridget Matthews-Kane